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Sequencing-based assays page 93

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GSE134781: BubR1 allelic effects drive phenotypic heterogeneity in MVA progeria syndrome [3 month old RNA-seq]

Mosaic-variegated aneuploidy (MVA) syndrome is a rare childhood disorder characterized by biallelic ...


GSE134194: PRMT1 differentially regulates gene expression in T47D-breast cancer cells

Using a genome-wide analysis, we demonstrated that PRMT1 is selectively required for progesterone-re...


GSE142322: Genome wide RNA-sequencing of human pluripotent stem-cell derived endothelial cells treated with TGF-beta receptor inhbitors with or without VEGFA stimulation

Transcriptional response to TGF-beta receptor inhibtion with or without VEGFA stimulation SOURCE: Ji...


GSE136368: RNA Sequencing of Intratumoral Immune Populations in Pancreatic Ductal Adenocarcinoma Following Radiotherapy and Interleukin 12 Treatment

We report differential gene expression in inflammatory monocyte (IM), tumor-associated macrophage (T...


GSE157260: Myosin 7b is a regulatory long noncoding RNA (lncMYH7b) in the human heart [adenovirus either expressing GFP or MYH7b_sp]

We have discovered that the alternative splice form of MYH7b is a regulatory non-coding RNA in the h...


GSE125320: Maintenance of nucleolar homeostasis by CBX4 alleviates senescence and osteoarthritis

CBX4, a component of polycomb repressive complex 1 (PRC1), plays important roles in the maintenance ...


GSE125383: Macrophage phenotype in anti-PD-L1 treated MC38 tumors

Checkpoint inhibitors like anti-PD1/PD-L1 have demonstrated significant therapeutic efficacy in a su...


GSE136864: The ETS transcription factor ELF1 regulates a critical, broadly antiviral program distinct from the type I interferon response

Induction of vast transcriptional programs is a central event of innate host responses to viral infe...


GSE134220 (human): neural reprogramming in head and neck cancer

mRNA: profiling the neural identity of cancer associated neurons; miRNA: investigating the p53 depen...


GSE136339: Whole transcriptome RNA sequencing of human cells after HCV infection (ML-1 thyroid cell line, primary thyrocytes and Huh7.5 hepatocyte cell line)

HCV infection induce thyroid dysfunction by influencing both immune and non immune thyroid-toxic mec...


GSE135359: Transcriptional characterization of intestinal ILC3 lacking BMAL1

Small intestinal group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) from ILC3-conditional BMAL1 knock out mice or ...


GSE145536: Sphingomyelins secreted by mammosphere-derived cells present a novel mechanism for the low mammary cancer incidence observed in certain mammals

We describe a novel mechanism by which mammals with a low mamary cancer incidence may avert mammary ...


GSE133317: TASL is the SLC15A4-associated adaptor for IRF5 activation by TLR79

Toll-like receptors (TLRs) have a crucial role in the recognition of pathogens and initiation of imm...


GSE128283: Characterization of Zygotic Genome Activation-dependent Maternal mRNA Clearance in Mammals

A conserved event of the maternal-to-zygotic transition (MZT) in animal embryos is the elimination o...


GSE134220 (mouse): neural reprogramming in head and neck cancer

mRNA: profiling the neural identity of cancer associated neurons; miRNA: investigating the p53 depen...


GSE128942: Developmental plasticity of epithelial stem cells in tooth and taste bud renewal

In Cichlids, replacement teeth (RT) share a continuous band of epithelium with adjacent taste buds (...


GSE134910: RNA Sequencing Facilitates Quantitative Analysis of Transcriptomes of H1 derived cells with or without IWP2 treatment at Day2 after human early hematopoietic differentiation .

Purpose: The goals of this study are to verify the inhibition of Wnt signaling is suffice to surpres...


GSE134173: Systematic identification of cancer cell vulnerabilities to natural killer cell-mediated immune surveillance

RNA-seq analysis of the transcriptome of K562 cells in which PTPN2 or DCAF15 had been disrupted by C...


GSE125413: Slow transcriptional elongation causes embryonic lethality and perturbs kinetic coupling of long neural genes [RNA-seq]

The rate of RNA Polymerase II (RNAPII) elongation has an important role in the control of Alternativ...


GSE136334: Gene expression analysis of EB differentiation by RNA-Sequencing

RNA sequencing was performed using shLacZ and shDis3l2 undifferentiated mESCs as well as EB differen...


GSE128178: MeCP2 represses the rate of transcriptional initiation of highly methylated long genes (RNA-Seq I)

Mutations in the methyl-DNA-binding repressor protein MeCP2 cause the devastating neurodevelopmental...


GSE128274: Analyses of a panel of transcripts and construction of RNA networks in hepatocellular carcinoma

To identify HCC-related RNAs, we used four HCC patients fresh tumor tissues and paired adjacent non-...


GSE135320: Alteration of CTCF associated chromatin neighborhood inhibits TAL1-driven oncogenic transcription program and leukemogenesis

Aberrant activation of the TAL1 oncogene is associated with up to 60% of T-ALL patients and is invol...


GSE136345: mRNA expression in CD4+ T cells of malignant pleural effusion (MPE) from WT and IL-10 knock out mice

The interactions between tumor cells and the host vasculature and immune cells results in increased ...


GSE128284: Intestinal IL-17R signaling controls liver inflammation by constraining microbiome-induced TLR9 signaling and IL-18 production

IL-17 and IL-17R signaling in the intestinal epithelium regulate the intestinal microbiome. Given th...


GSE145539: Single-Cell RNA Sequencing Reveals Human iPS Cell-derived Alveolar Type 1 Cells in Alveolar Organoids

Human induced pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs) were differentiated into alveolar epithelial cells in ...


GSE135391: Transcriptome analysis of brown fat in young or old mice in cold exposure

Purpose: We investigated the transcriptomic change in brown fat of young and old mice (wild type) th...


GSE152033: RNA-targeting Cas9 corrects molecular and physiological features in pre-clinical model of myotonic dystrophy type 1

In this Study, we used RNA-targeting Cas9 (RCas9) to reverse characteristic Myotonic Dystrophy (DM1)...


GSE139370: Immediate early transcriptional responses of airway epithelial cells

Airway epithelial cells are crucial for mucosal and adaptive immunity as they produce mucins that tr...


GSE131621: TRPV1 DRG: Identification of a sacral, visceral sensory transcriptome in embryonic and adult mice

Visceral sensory neurons encode distinct sensations from healthy organs and initiate pain states tha...


GSE136371: F508del homozygous cystic fibrosis patients and healthy controls [RNA-seq]

To identify genes relevant for cystic fibrosis pathophysiology, we profiled blood samples in CF pati...


GSE134975: RNA-seq mouse donor T-cells 7 days post HSCT

The overal goal was to characterize the differential expression of protein-coding genes and lncRNAs ...


GSE128436: EGFR and hair shaft differentiation

EGFR signaling controls skin development and homeostasis in mice and humans and its deficiency cause...


GSE134479: Lgr5+ telocytes are a signaling hub at the intestinal villus tip

We molecularly characterized thousands of intestinal cells including epithelial, masenchymal and imm...


GSE134928: RNA-Seq analysis of skeletal muscles of mice with chronic or acute infections of LCMV Armstrong and LCMV clone 13

Chronic but not acute infections cause cachexia, characterized by bodyweight reduction and muscle lo...


GSE135036: Hemispheric asymmetry in the human brain and in Parkinsons disease is linked to divergent epigenetic patterns in neurons [RNA-seq]

Background; Hemispheric asymmetry in neuronal processes is a fundamental feature of the human brain ...


GSE135118: CD28 regulation of global alternative splicing changes in activated human CD4+ T cells

Alternative splicing consists of exons that are selectively either included or excluded from the mat...


GSE136852: RNA-Seq transcriptome comparison of microglia and CD11c+ cells sorted from the ischemic brain tissue of (male) mice

RNA-Seq transcriptome comparison of the following cell populations (n=4 independent samples per cell...


GSE136379: Improved retinal organoid differentiation by modulating signaling pathways revealed by comparative transcriptome analyses with development in vivo

This study provides analysis of developing mouse retina organoids derived from induced pluripotent s...


GSE134492: Gene expression profiling from whole VNOs after tfap2eCre-mediated Smad4 ablation in immature basal vomeronasal neurons and OMPCre-mediated Smad4 ablation in all mature vomeronasal neurons

The vomeronasal organ (VNO) of mice contains two main types of vomeronasal sensory neurons (VSNs)- A...


GSE135082: Modular organization of the motor space in the mouse superior colliculus

In order to characterize the genetic diversity within the Stratum Griseum Intermediale (SGI), we scr...


GSE135096: Profound discrepancies between cell autonomous and systemic Akt isoform deletions have uncovered new roles for Akt isoforms in breast cancer development and metastasis

Here we study the effect on cell autonomous and systemic Akt isoform deletions in breast cancer SOUR...


GSE150805: Novel role for the T-helper 17 signature cytokine IL-17: CD4 resistance to immune suppression

Important immune regulatory mechanisms mediated by CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells keep untoward CD4+ T-cell r...


GSE130661: An ErbB2/c-Src axis drives mammary tumorigenesis through metabolically directed translational regulation of Polycomb Repressor Complex 2 [RNA-Seq]

Perturbations in histone modifications alter transcription and promote carcinogenesis. Breast cancer...


GSE129404: Targeted deletion of Tcf7l2 in adipocytes promotes adipocyte hypertrophy and impaired gluose metabolism [preadipocytes]

We generated a Tcf7l2 F/F mouse and harvested preadipocytes rom these mice, immortalized them, and t...


GSE134264: Natural killer cells suppress T cell tumor immune evasion [Supernatant treated control or Jak1 sgRNA B16-F10 RNA Seq]

Investigation of the transcriptional response in Jak1 depleted tumor cells upon NK-derived cytokine ...


GSE134497: Total RNA sequecing for human induced pluripotent derived cerebral organoids

Total RNA sequecing for human induced pluripotent derived cerebral organoids from healthy controls a...


GSE134991: Inter-chromosomal enhancer-promoter interaction critical for the appropriate level of Tead4 gene expression at the blastocyst stage [RNA-Seq]

Although Tead4 is well-known to be critical for blastocyst development and trophoblast lineage diffe...


GSE152055: Inducible heart specific MPC1 knockdown in adult mice

We report that knocking down the Mitochondrial Pruvate Carrier 1 (MPC1) in the hearts of adult mice ...


GSE139021: RNA-Sequencing of HepG2 cells treated with TGFBeta

We report a subset of genes upregulated by TGFBeta after three hours of treatment SOURCE: Asha Nair ...


GSE143217: Epithelial expressions of Gata4 and Sox2 regulate murine specification of the squamouscolumnar junction via MAPK/ERK signaling

The squamouscolumnar junction (SCJ) is a boundary consisting of precisely positioned transitional ep...


GSE133841: Transcriptome high-throughput sequencing of ESRP1-overexpressing cells ESRP1-SKOV3

ESRP1 is an epithelial-specific splicing factor. It mainly regulates expressions of genes related to...


GSE135186: Single Cell Transcriptional Profile of Col1a1GFP+ cells in health and EAE

Col1a1GFP+ cells from the spinal cords of healthy mice or mice in the early stages of EAE symptoms w...


GSE128535: Multiple mechanisms regulate H3 acetylation of enhancers in response to thyroid hormone

Hormone dependent activation of enhancers includes histone hyperacetylation and mediator recruitment...


GSE135042: Chronic inflammation directs an olfactory stem cell functional switch from neuroregeneration to immune defense (bulk RNA-Seq)

Although the olfactory mucosa possesses long-lived horizontal basal stem cells (HBCs) and remarkable...


GSE134214: RNA-Seq analysis of prostate cancer cell line PC-3 treated with siRNA control (siCont) and siELL2

Toidentifythegenesassociatedwith the knockdownof ELL2.PC-3 mRNAprofilesofcellstreatedwithRNAinterfer...


GSE136376: scRNA-seq of LPS responding WT or IRF4-deficient B cells

To fine map the continuum of molecular changes that occur as B cells differentiate to antibody secre...


GSE136882: Polypyrimidine tract binding proteins are essential for B cell development

During B cell development, recombination of immunoglobulin loci is tightly coordinated with the cell...


GSE134784: CDK6 is an essential direct transcriptional target of NUP98-fusion-protein-driven acute myeloid leukemia

Fusion proteins involving Nucleoporin 98 (NUP98) are recurrently found in Acute Myeloid Leukemia (AM...


GSE139357: Gene expression analysis of pancreatic cancer tissues in mice

To examine effects of environmental risk factors on pancreatic cancer development, we fed control Pd...


GSE135215: RNAseq analysis of taxol and palbociclib combination in pancreatic cancer

RNAseq from pancreatic cancer cell lines treated with DMSO, taxol, palbociclib or the combination at...


GSE133419: G-quadruplex roles in transcription deciphered by comparative transcriptomic analyses

G-quadruplexes (G4) are non-canonical nucleic acid structures that can form at certain DNA or RNA gu...


GSE136347: Transcriptome analysis of HPV-induced warts and healthy skin in humans

The main purpose of this study is to investigate the differences between the gene expression profile...


GSE152005: BET Bromodomain Proteins Regulate Transcriptional Reprogramming in Genetic Dilated Cardiomyopathy

In a model of chronic heart failure, BET bromodomain inhibition delayed cardiac remodeling and fibro...


GSE130875: Identification of tissue regulatory T cell precursors in lymphoid organs [scTCR-seq]

Regulatory T (Treg) cells maintain self-tolerance in lymphoid tissues, and specialized Treg cells ac...


GSE137129: RNA-seq of UGP2 mutant human embryonic stem cells and in vitro differentiated neural stem cells

We report transcriptome analysis of human embryonic stem cells and in vitro differentiated neural s...


GSE134785: Next Generation Sequencing Facilitates Quantitative Analysis of Wild Type and LDB2-/- skin epidermal lysates

Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular path...


GSE131625: Cis-regulatory basis of sister cell type divergence in the vertebrate retina

Multicellular organisms evolved via repeated functional divergence of transcriptionally related sist...


GSE136340: Effects of darunavir upon gene expression in kidney tubular cells after transduction with HIV or EGFP-control lentivirus

To determine the effect of darunavir upon HIV-induced gene regulation in renal epithelial cells, imm...


GSE126606: MTSS1 Suppresses Expansion and Activity of Mammary Tumor-initiating Cells by Mediating P65 Ubiquitination and Degradation

We conduct transcriptome comparison of control and Mtss1-overexpressed Py8119 cells to gain genomic ...


GSE134241: Depletion of HuR in murine skeletal muscle enhances exercise endurance and prevents cancer-induced muscle atrophy

Here we show that, when compared to control mice, muscle specific HuR knockout (muHuR-KO) animals ha...


GSE129134: Connective Tissue Growth Factor Inhibition Enhances Cardiac Repair and Limits Fibrosis After Myocardial Infarction

Background. Accumulation of extracellular matrix in the myocardium attenuates cardiac contractile fu...


GSE156779: Next Generation Sequencing Facilitates Quantitative Analysis of HHSteCs and HHSteC treated rhCYGB [HSC]

Purpose: Hepatic stellate cells (HSCs) plays an important role in liver fibrosis. Recombinant human ...


GSE134261: Natural killer cells suppress T cell tumor immune evasion [NK treated B16-F10 RNA Seq]

Investigation of the tumor transcriptional response upon NK cell attack using 3 RNA sequencing SOURC...


GSE134503: Prdx1,a RNA binding protein,regulate inflammatory injury in intracerebral hemorrhage by targeting RNA stability (PRDX1_OE_RNA-seq)

We overexpressed Prdx1 in HeLa cells to study Prdx1-regulated genes using RNA-seq technology, follow...


GSE134982: Chronic Arsenic Exposurre Impairs Adaptive Thermogenesis in Male C57BL/6J Mice

Purpose: To determine the effects of sodium arsenite in male mice on adaptive thermogenesis.; Method...


GSE126793: Trained immunity-promoting nanobiologics suppress tumor growth and potentiate checkpoint blockade immunotherapy

We developed a nanobiologic platform that is designed to induce trained immunity. Through extensivei...


GSE134269: Electrical and synaptic integration of glioma into neural circuits

We report single cell RNA-seq data from patient-derived xenografts that were dissociated, FACS sorte...


GSE128490: RNA-Seq Analysis of Murine Chondrocytes Reveals Pathways Associated with Cartilage Regeneration and Degeneration

Objectives: Understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying cartilage degeneration and regeneratio...


GSE151976: RNA-seq analysis of iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells following long-term cryopreservation

We report changes in gene expression from iPSC to iPSC-derived brain microvascular endothelial cells...


GSE135167: Single cell profiling reveals an endothelium-mediated immunomodulatory pathway in the eye choroid

The activity and survival of retinal photoreceptors depend on support functions performed by the ret...


GSE107399: Rett Syndrome in a dish model

Several recent studies have suggested that genes that are longer than 100 kb are more likely to be m...


GSE134789: Analysis of the expression profiles of back skin and excisional wound-derived fibroblasts FACS-sorted from mice overexpressing activin A.

Overexpression of activin A by keratinocytes accelerates excisional wound healing in mice. Activin-p...


GSE155305: An Ifitm3-dependent amplification loop enables antibody responses and oncogenic signaling in B-cells

Ifitm3 (interferon-inducible transmembrane protein 3) was previously identified as an endosomal anti...


GSE136861: Staging Alzheimers disease in brains and retinas of APP/PSEN1 mice by transcriptional profiling

Alzheimers disease (AD) is a common form of dementia characterized by amyloid plaque deposition, TAU...


GSE137173: Effects of human adipose tissue-derived and umbilical cord tissue-derived mesenchymal stem cells in a dextran sulfate sodium-induced mouse model

Background: Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) can be acquired from medical waste. MSCs are easily expand...


GSE143241: Context-dependent IL-1 mRNA-destabilization by TTP prevents dysregulation of immune homeostasis

We report that TTP exhibits context-dependent target destabilisation and that such context-defined m...


GSE152109: ZBTB38 is dispensable for hematopoiesis and antibody responses.

We performed RNA-sequencing of ZBTB38-sufficient and -deficient germinal center B cells. Very few ge...


GSE133567: Gene expression alterations associated with acquired-resistance to the CDK4/6 inhibitor palbociclib [Palbociclib resistance_RNASeq]

RNA-seq was performed to compare the transcriptional programmes of palbociclib-resistant A375 and C...


GSE135196: Genome-wide transcriptome profiling of human duodenal organoids, Duodenum Intestine-Chip and adult duodenal tissue using RNA-seq.

The goal of this study was to compare global RNA expression data obtained from: i) duodenal organoid...


GSE135372: Gene expression data of livers from C57BL/6 treated with low dose tunicamycin

Sustained ER stress is tightly associated with hyperglycemia and type 2 diabetes.However, the molecu...


GSE133642: State-Transition Analysis of Time-Sequential Gene Expression Identifies Critical Points That Predict Leukemia Development

Temporal dynamics of gene expression are informative of changes associated with disease development ...


GSE127245: Neural crest-specific deletion of splicing factor Rbfox2 leads to craniofacial abnormalities including cleft palate

Alternative splicing (AS) creates proteomic diversity from a limited size genome by generating numer...


GSE135504: Transcriptome profiling of influenza-specific memory CD8 T cells in the lung airways (BAL), lung interstitium (LR), lung vasculature (LV), and spleen

To examine differences in the transcriptome of resident memory CD8 T cells in the lung, influenza nu...


GSE134950: Mitochondrial damage activates the STING pathway to promote chronic kidney disease

Fibrosis of the kidney is the final common pathway leading to end stage renal failure. By analyzing ...


GSE136982: RNA seq analysis of AR-deleted luminal prostate epithelial cells during organogenesis

Transcriptome analysis of lineage marked AR-deleted and wild type luminal prostate epithelial cells ...


GSE127247 (mouse): Control of noncoding RNA production and histone levels by a 5 tRNA fragment

Small RNAs derived from mature tRNAs, referred to as tRNA fragments or tRFs, are an emerging class o...


GSE131165: Genome-wide enhancer profiling identifies novel Shh regulated gene targets in the developing cochlear duct

The development of the mammalian inner ears is a highly dynamic process that is dependent on the int...


GSE135765: The HUSH complex is a gatekeeper of type I interferon through epigenetic regulation of LINE-1s

The Human Silencing Hub (HUSH) complex is necessary for epigenetic repression of LINE-1 elements. We...


GSE125581: RNA-seq profiles of WT and Qk-KO freshly isolated oligodendrocytes

Lipid-rich myelin forms insulating axon-wrapping multilayers essential for neural function, but how ...