
GSE54549: Role of LDB1 in the transition from chromatin looping to transcription activation

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Many questions remain about how close association of genes and distant enhancers occurs and how this is linked to transcription activation. In erythroid cells, LDB1 is recruited to the -globin locus via LMO2 and is required for looping of the -globin locus control region (LCR) to the active -globin promoter. We show that the LDB1 dimerization domain (DD) is necessary and, when fused to LMO2 is sufficient, to completely restore LCR-promoter looping and transcription in LDB1 depleted cells. The looping function of the DD is unique and irreplaceable by heterologous dimerization domains. Dissection of the DD revealed distinct functional properties of conserved subdomains. Notably, a conserved helical region (DD4/5) is dispensable for LDB1 dimerization and chromatin looping but essential for transcriptional activation. DD4/5 is required for the recruitment of the co-regulators FOG1 and NuRD complex. Lack of DD4/5 alters histone acetylation and RNA polymerase II recruitment and results in failure of the locus to migrate to the nuclear interior as normally occurs during erythroid maturation. These results uncouple enhancer-promoter looping from nuclear migration and transcription activation and reveal new roles for LDB1in these processes. SOURCE: Ryan Dale ( - Laboratory of Cellular and Developmental Biology National Institutes of Health

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