
GSE56575: Rapid proliferation and differentiation impairs the development of memory CD8+ T cells in early life

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Neonates often generate incomplete immunity against intracellular pathogens, although the mechanism of this defect is poorly understood. An important question is whether the impaired development of memory CD8+ T cells in neonates is due to an immature priming environment or lymphocyte-intrinsic defects. Here we show that neonatal and adult CD8+ T cells adopted different fates when responding to equal amounts of stimulation in the same host. While adult CD8+ T cells differentiated into a heterogeneous pool of effector and memory cells, neonatal CD8+ T cells preferentially gave rise to short-lived effector cells and exhibited a distinct gene expression profile. Surprisingly, impaired neonatal memory formation was not due to a lack of responsiveness, but instead because neonatal CD8+ T cells expanded more rapidly than adult cells and quickly became terminally differentiated. Collectively, these findings demonstrate that neonatal CD8+ T cells exhibit an imbalance in effector and memory CD8+ T cell differentiation, which impairs the formation of memory CD8+ T cells in early life SOURCE: Andrew Grimson Cornell University

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