
GSE57871: RNA-seq analysis of vorinostat-resistant HCT116 cells following gene knockdown of GLI1 or PSMD13 with or without vorinostat treatment

  • Organsim human
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Transcriptome analysis was conducted on vorinostat resistant HCT116 cells (HCT116-VR) upon knockdown of potential vorinostat resistance candidate genes in the presence and absence of vorinostat. Potential vorinostat resistance candidate genes chosen for this study were GLI1 and PSMD13, which were identified through a genome-wide synthetic lethal RNA interference screen. To understand the transcriptional events underpinning the effect of GLI1 and PSMD13 knockdown (sensitisation to vorinostat-induced apoptosis), cells were first subjected to gene knockdown, then to treatment with vorinsotat or the solvent control. Two timepoints for drug treatment were assessed: a timepoint before induction of apoptosis (4hrs for siGLI1 and 8hrs for siPSMD13) and a timepoint when apoptosis could be detected (8hrs for siGLI1 and 12hrs for siPSMD13). SOURCE: Katrina,Joy,Falkenberg ( - Gene Regulation Laboratory Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre

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