
GSE60537: Human resistin alters lung mRNA expression from helminth-infected lungs.

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Goal: To examine the effects of human resistin during helminth infection.; Methodology: To examine the function of human resistin (hResistin), we utilized transgenic mice expressing the human resistin gene along with its entire regulatory region (hRetnTg+). Following infection with the helminth Nippostrongylus brasiliensis, whole lung RNA was sequenced in hRetnTg+ mice, control hRetnTg- and nave mice.; Conclusion: In hRetnTg+ mice, many genes involved in inflammation and the immune system, specifically toll-like receptor signaling and chemokines, are significantly upregulated, suggesting that human resistin promotes TLR signaling and inflammation during helminth infection. SOURCE: Meera Nair ( - University of California, Riverside

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