
GSE62684: Nuclear Lamins are Not Required for Genome Organization in Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells [RNA-Seq]

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

In mammals, the nuclear lamina interacts with hundreds of large genomic regions, termed lamina-associated domains (LADs) that are generally in a transcriptionally repressed state. Lamins form the major structural component of the lamina and have been reported to bind DNA and chromatin. Here we systematically evaluated whether lamins are necessary for the peripheral localization of LADs in murine embryonic stem cells. Surprisingly, removal of essentially all lamins did not have any detectable effect on the genome-wide interaction pattern of chromatin with the inner nuclear membrane. This suggests that other components of the inner nuclear membrane mediate these interactions. SOURCE: Bas van Steensel ( - van Steensel group Netherlands Cancer Institute

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