
GSE67120: Tracing the Formation of Haematopoietic Stem Cells in Mouse Embryos by Single-cell Functional and RNA-Seq Analyses [single-cell]

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are derived early from embryonic precursor cells, such as haemogenic endothelial cells and pre-HSCs. However, the identity of precursor cells remains elusive due to their rareness, transience, and inability to be isolated efficiently. Here we employed potent surface markers to capture the nascent pre-HSCs at 30% purity, as rigorously validated by single-cell-initiated serial transplantation assay. Then we applied single-cell RNA-Seq technique to analyse five populations closely related to HSC formation: endothelial cells, CD45- and CD45+ pre-HSCs in E11 aorta-gonad-mesonephros (AGM) region, and mature HSCs in E12 and E14 foetal liver. In comparison, the pre-HSCs showed unique features in transcriptional machinery, apoptosis, metabolism state, signalling pathway, transcription factor network, and lncRNA expression pattern. Among signalling pathways enriched in pre-HSCs, the mTOR activation was uncovered indispensable for the emergence of HSCs but not haematopoietic progenitors from endothelial cells in vivo. By comparing with proximal populations without HSC potential, the core molecular signature of pre-HSCs was identified. Collectively, our work paves the way for dissection of complex molecular mechanisms regulating the step-wise generation of HSCs in vivo, informing future efforts to engineer HSCs for clinical application. SOURCE: Xianlong Li ( - Peking University

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