
GSE80465: Aging, microglia and cytoskeletal regulation are key factors in the pathological evolution of the APP23 mouse model for Alzheimers disease

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Aging is a key factor in Alzheimer's disease, but it's correlation with the pathology and pathological factors like amyloid-beta remains unclear; In our study we aimed to provide an extensive characterisation of age-related changes in the gene expression profile of APP23 mice and controls and correlate these changes to pathological and symptomatic features of the model; We found a clear biphasic expression profile with a developmental and aging phase. The second phase, particularly, displays aging features and similarties with the progression of Alzheimer pathology in human patients; Processes involved in microglial activation, lysosomal processing, neuronal differantion and cytoskeletal regulation appear key factors in this stage.; Interestingly, the changes in the gene expression profile of APP23 mice also seem to occur in control animals, but at a later age. The changes appear accelerated and/or exacerbated in APP23 mice. SOURCE: Peter Paul De Deyn University of Antwerp

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