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Learn MoreAim: To survey the alteration of endothelial transcriptome under different types of shear stress and find novel shear stress-sensitive protein-coding genes as well as non-coding RNAs as potential therapeutic targets for the treatment of atherosclerosis; Method: After exposed to LS, OS and ST for 24 hours (n=4, respectively), ECs were harvested by scraping, and RNA was isolated and purified. Double-stranded cDNA was generated from 100 to 150 ng of total qualified RNA using selective priming and prepared for the final library. Quantitative PCR (qPCR) was performed to quantify the library using a KAPA kit for Illumina sequencing platforms. Twelve samples were then clustered on the cBot and sequenced on a 50-cycle single end on a HiSeq 2000 to generate 50 bp paired-end reads, using TruSeq SBS v3 reagents according to manufacturers protocols. RNA-seq fastq files were aligned to the human genome primary assembly (GRCh38) using the Subread package. Read counts on each gene were determined by featureCounts function in the Subread package using GeneCode human GTF file version 23 ( Differential expression analysis between endothelial cells under different types of shear stress were performed using the limma package with the voom transformation. P values were adjusted by default Benjamini-Hochberg procedure.; Results: RNA-seq data provided a broad view of endothelial transcriptome under shear stress. We mapped about 70 million reads and discovered over 16,000 genes that are well-expressed in human coronary artery endothelial cells. RNA-seq results were consistent with previously reported DNA microarray data and we also confirmed the expression of genes that are previously reported and novel genes with qRTPCR results. Comparing the endothelial transcriptomes under different types of shear stress, we found that there are approximately 50% genes that are differentially expressed in ECs under ST vs. LS and OS vs. LS while 10% under ST vs. OS.; Conclusion: RNA-seq data provide a framework for investigating endothelial transcriptome under shear stress. We found that endothelial cells under LS condition profoundly differs from those under either ST or OS conditions. The profiling also reveals a large amount of novel shear sensitive genes and lncRNAs that are not reported before. It provides the community with potential targets for anti-atherosclerosis drug development considering the determinant role of shear stress in the distribution of atherosclerotic lesions in the arterial tree. SOURCE: Jifeng Zhang ( - University of Michigan
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