
GSE90869: Transcriptome-wide landscape of subcellular mRNA redistribution in cell stress

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

In cell stress, mRNA in the cytoplasm is sequestered to the insoluble ribonucleoprotein (RNP) compartments containing stress granules. These RNP granules are known to be involved in the control of mRNA processing and decay, but it has been elusive whether the mRNA redistribution in cell stress is universal or specific to a subset of transcripts. Here we provide a transcriptome-wide profiles of the RNP granules in cell stress and show that mRNA accumulation in stress granule differentially affects individual transcripts. mRNA species accumulated in stress granules are largely conserved across distinct stress types, such as in endoplasmic reticulum stress, heat shock and arsenic stress. Many mRNA species involved in cell survival and proliferation are more dynamically redistributed, suggesting that mRNA sequestration can be a specific response mechanism through which cells can reshape the landscape of their transcriptome and affect the cell fate determination in stress conditions. SOURCE: Hojoong Kwak ( - Kwak Cornell University

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