
GSE94743: Insights into gene expression profiles induced by Socs3 depletion in Keratinocytes

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

Specific deletion of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (Socs3) in keratinocytes can cause severe skin inflammation with infiltration of immune cells, however the molecular mechanisms and key regulatory pathways involved remains poorly understood. To investigate the role of Socs3 in keratinocytes, we generated and analyzed global RNA-Seq profiles in Socs3 conditional knockout (cKO) mice at two different stages (2- and 10- weeks). Over 400 shared genes were found to be significantly regulated at both time points. Two week samples were marked by initial skin barrier dysfunction established by the downregulation of keratin associated genes and upregulation of genes regulating lipid metabolism. Subsequent increase in expression level of multiple chemokines and cytokines at 10 week were observed representing response to skin inflammation caused by the disruption of skin barrier function. A group of activator protein-1 related genes were to found to be highly elevated in Socs3 cKO mice at both time points. This observation was duly validated using qRT-PCR in Socs3 depleted human keratinocytederived HaCaT cells. Overall this study reveals an important regulatory dynamics of Socs3 in skin barrier dysfunction. SOURCE: Archana BajpaiLDSM RIKEN Yokohama

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