
GSE98041: Diurnal liver transcriptome in wt and nono-/- mice

  • Organsim mouse
  • Type RNASEQ
  • Target gene
  • Project ARCHS4

The liver circadian transcriptome results from the combined action of a circadian clock and feeding/fasting rhythms.; Since we found that (1) the number of NONO-containing speckles increases in response to feeding, (2) NONO interacts with RNA processing factors and (3) it binds to the introns of a large number of protein coding genes, we hypothesized that NONO may contribute to the daily rhythm of hepatic gene expression.; To address whether NONO contributes to rhythmic gene expression in response to feeding/fasting, diurnal liver transcriptomes were assessed in nono-/- and wt littermate mice fed a normal diet during the night time (ZT12-24).; We habituated mice to a 12:12 LD cycle with food available only at lights off (ZT12-24) for one week and in the second week collected mice every 2h throughout the 24h day. Both total and nuclear RNAs were sequenced after ribosomal RNA depletion SOURCE: Galina Erikson ( - Salk Institute

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