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Sequencing-based assays page 35

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GSE113975: Total and GC B cells with or without miR-146a

To examine the impact of miR-146a on GC B cell development, transcriptomic profilings of total B cel...


GSE81133: Effect of miR-203 on the transcriptomic profile of IPSCs and IPSC-derived teratomas

The balance between pluripotency and differentiation is critical during development and regeneration...


GSE70895: RNAseq from mouse hippcampus

The RNA binding protein T-STAR controls alternative splicing of important synaptic proteins, and of ...


GSE67647: Differentiation of Mammary Tumors and Reduction in Metastasis Upon Malat1 LncRNA Loss

Genome-wide analyses have identified thousands of long non-coding RNAs (lncRNAs). Malat1 (Metastasis...


GSE136000: RNA-sequencing of glioma and adjacent tissue

RNA-sequencing for 10 samples SOURCE: qian bu (buqian7978@scu.edu.cn) - sichuan university


GSE65786: Ribosomes guide pachytene piRNA formation on long intergenic piRNA precursors

PIWI-interacting RNAs (piRNAs) are a class of small non-coding RNAs essential for fertility. In adul...


GSE69822: Perturbations of PIP3 signaling trigger a global remodeling of mRNA landscape and reveal a transcriptional feedback loop

PIP3 is synthesized by PI3Ks and regulates complex cell responses, such as growth and migration. Sig...


GSE68315: Transcriptomic analysis of the mouse mammary gland reveals new insights for the role of serotonin in lactation

Serotonin in the mammary gland is known to regulate processes such as calcium homeostasis, tight jun...


GSE142663: Tissue-infiltrating cytotoxic T cells and endothelial cell apoptosis in systemic sclerosis

We report RNA sequencing profiles of CD4+ cytotoxic T cell subsets in patients with systemic scleros...


GSE122696: The NuRD complex suppresses transcriptional noise during lineage commitment [RNA-Seq]

Here we set out to define the biochemical and functional diversity encoded by one such group of prot...


GSE66873: Sex hormones have pervasive effects on thymic epithelial cells

The goal of our study was to evaluate at the systems-level, the effect of sex hormones on thymic epi...


GSE72487: A transcription factor pulse can prime chromatin for heritable transcriptional memory [RNAseq]

To indentify genes displaying long-term transcriptionnal memory (LTTM) we used a trans-differentiati...


GSE133442: The role of the Death Domain Associated Protein DAXX in expression regulation during oocyte growth and 2-cell pre-implantation embryos of the mouse

Comparative expression analysis between meiosis II (MII) stage mouse oocytes of wildtype ("WT") or d...


GSE64818: Evolutionary analysis across mammals reveals distinct classes of long noncoding RNAs

Recent advances in transcriptome sequencing have enabled the discovery of thousands of long non-codi...


GSE68416: BMAL1 Activates Clock Gene Expression by Regulating Transcription Initiation

We showed that Bmal1 mainly regulates clock gene initiation, with this functioning being highly cons...


GSE71340: Neoadjuvant chemotherapy modulates T cell responses in high-grade serous ovarian cancer metastases

Our data suggest that neoadjuvant chemotherapy enhances anti-cancer responses of T cells in peritone...


GSE70499: Effect of Bmal1 pre-natal knockout on liver gene expression: time-series

We use a conventional (pre-natal) Bmal1 KO (cKO) mouse strain to investigate the effect of circadian...


GSE72568: Follicular Helper T Cells Progressively Differentiate to Regulate the Germinal Center Response

Purpose: To compare the transcriptomes of IL-21-expressing, IL-21 and IL-4-expressing, and IL-4 expr...


GSE70031: Next Generation RNA-Sequencing data of Hematopoietic stem cells and CML stem cells

To investigate why dipeptides accumulate in immature CML cells, we examined upstream gene expression...


GSE116702: Ikzf2/helios mutant cochlear RNA-seq analysis

Given the potential role of the helios transcription factor in postnatal outer hair cell gene regula...


GSE65619: Transcriptome profiling of isolated mammalian myotube cultures that ectopically overexpress msx2

In contrast to urodele amphibians and teleost fish, mammals lack the regenerative responses to repla...


GSE64779: A genetic circuitry linking Id-proteins (Id2 and Id3) and the AKT-FOXO-mTORC1 axis to suppress innate-variant TFH cell development, maintain T cell quiescence and prevent lymphomagenesis.

It is now well established that the E- and Id-protein axis regulates multiple steps in lymphocyte de...


GSE81201: Bladder tumor sequencing

Prospective sequencing of a patient's bladder tumor SOURCE: Kelvin Zhang (kelvinxizhang@gmail.com) -...


GSE70981: Blimp1 controls plasma cell physiology and function

Antibody-secreting plasma cells are the terminal stage of the B-cell lineage. Plasma cell differenti...


GSE68822: MLL1 and MLL fusion proteins play distinct roles in regulating MLLleukemic transcription program [RNA-Seq]

This study describes the transcriptome profiling of: 1) MM-401, a MLL1 specific inhibitor in MAF9 ce...


GSE119870: P2 receptor expression in different tissue-resident phagocyte populations isolated from peritoneal tissues of Cx3cr1gfp/+Ccr2rfp/+ mice

In support of the investigation into the response of tissue resident phagocytes to sterile tissue da...


GSE77550: OSKM induce extraembryonic endoderm stem (iXEN) cells in parallel to iPS cells

While the reprogramming factors OCT4, SOX2, KLF4, and MYC (OSKM) can; reactivate the pluripotency ne...


GSE68401: Enhancer activation during EGF response

We investigated the acetylation of H3K27, in normal condition and after stimulation of EGF and befor...


GSE69168: Allelome.PRO A pipeline to define allele-specific genome features

We used RNA-seq data from mouse embryonic fibroblasts from F1 reciprocal crosses to determine a biol...


GSE129112: scRNA-seq analysis of the dual expressors, B cells and T cells of a diabetes patient

We identified a rare subset of autoreactive lymphocytes with a hybrid phenotype of T and B cells inc...


GSE89572: Dynamic expression changes in the transcriptome of the prefrontal cortex after repeated exposure to cocaine in mice

In the current study, we performed transcriptome profiling of the mouse PFC to determine the dynamic...


GSE80083: TBX18 regulates the differentiation of periductal smooth muscle stroma and the maintenance of epithelial integrity in the prostate

The T-box transcription factor TBX18 is essential to mesenchymal cell differentiation in several tis...


GSE98517: Activation of Lineage-Regulators and Transposable Elements Across a Pluripotent Spectrum

Embryonic stem cells (ESC) are characterised by the pluripotent capacity to generate all embryonic l...


GSE95830: Next Generation Sequencing Quantitative Analysis of Wild Type (Wt), Actb+/- (Hetero) and Actb-/- (KNO) Mouse Embryonic Fibroblast Transcriptomes

Purpose: The goals of this study are to use NGS to perform transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) to find...


GSE68831: Long-range chromosome interactions mediated by cohesin shape circadian gene expression [RNA-Seq]

Mammalian circadian rhythm is established by the negative feedback loops consisting of a set of cloc...


GSE122732: RNA-seq analysis of hair cell regeneration in the mammalian vestibular system and its potentiation by Atoh1

We used RNA-seq to probe the transcriptional and epigenetic responses of utricle supporting cells to...


GSE69654: Chromosomal deletions linked to p53 loss of heterozygosity promote cancer through p53-independent mechanisms

The purpose of current study is to identify the differentiated gene expression associated with mouse...


GSE100688: Modulation of mitochondrial DNA copy number to induce hepatocytic differentiation of human Amniotic Epithelial cells

Human amniotic epithelial cells were differentiated into hepatocyte-like cellsfor 28 days and gene e...


GSE68139: Maternal LSD1/KDM1A is an essential regulator of chromatin and transcription landscapes during zygotic genome activation

How the parental genomes of the very specialized sperm and oocyte cells are remodelled upon fertiliz...


GSE70941: Comparison of immune cells between mice strains

A number of macrophage and macrophage-like cells are responsible for immune response to challenges. ...


GSE102014: Gene co-expression networks identify Trem2 and Tyrobp as major hubs in human APOE expressing mice following traumatic brain injury.

To determine if there is an APOE isoform-specific response to TBI we performed controlled cortical i...


GSE65349 (mouse): SRSF2 mutations impair hematopoiesis and alter exon recognition

Mutations within genes encoding spliceosomal proteins are the most common class of mutations in pati...


GSE69405: Single-cell RNA sequencing of lung adenocarcinoma patient-derived cells

To address how intratumoral heterogeneity affects anti-cancer drug responses, we profiled transcript...


GSE108694: Gene expression analysis of human CD8+ T cells treated with a DOT1L inhibitor

Adoptive T cell therapy (ACT) is a promising therapeutic approach for cancer patients. The use of a...


GSE119936: SMARTer single cell total RNA sequencing [NGP]

single cell polyA+ and total RNA-seq data was generated for NGP, SK-N-BE-2C and SHSY5Y-MYCN-TR cells...


GSE69157: RNA-Sequencing experiment for effects of PKF115-584 treatment on four T-ALL cell lines (RPMI8402, HPB-ALL, Jurkat, CCRF-CEM).

Notch activation is instrumental in the development of most T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-A...


GSE69420: Finding missing proteins from epigenetically manipulated human cells

We performed transcriptome sequencing to assess the genes turn on in the cell under epigenetically m...


GSE71390: The relationship between gene network structure and expression variation among individuals and species

Variation among individuals is a prerequisite of evolution by natural selection. As such, identifyin...


GSE71159: Suppression of ischemia in arterial occlusive disease by JNK-promoted native collateral artery development

Arterial occlusive diseases are major causes of morbidity and mortality. Blood flow to the affected ...


GSE69190: Sensing Cardiac Electrical Activity with a Cardiomyocyte Targeted Optogenetic Voltage Indicator

Rationale: Monitoring and controlling cardiomyocyte activity with optogenetic tools offers exciting ...


GSE69937: PRMT5 is essential for sustaining normal adlut hematopoiesis

Examining the effects of PRMT5 loss on the gene expression profile of hematopoietic stem and progeni...


GSE115480: Comprehensive catalog of dendritically localized mRNA isoforms from sub-cellular sequencing of single mouse neurons

To compare the RNAs present in dendrites and somas of individual neurons, we manually separated the ...


GSE71699: Marginal zone B cells control follicular helper T cell response to high cholesterol diet

Splenic innate-like marginal zone B (MZB) cells are strategically positioned at the interface betwee...


GSE69121: Mastermind-like 3 controls proliferation and differentiation in neuroblastoma (RNA-seq)

Neuroblastoma cell lines can differentiate upon retinoic acid (RA) treatment, a finding that provide...


GSE70022: Multiphasic and dynamic changes in alternative splicing during induction of pluripotency are coordinated by numerous RNA binding proteins [iPS]

Alternative splicing (AS) plays a critical role in cell fate transitions, development and disease. R...


GSE71070: Treatment of prostate cancer cells with S-adenosylmethionine leads to genomewide alterations of transcription profiles

The analysis investigates the impact of methyl donor S-adenosylmethionin on transcription and methyl...


GSE136254: AKT dependent NOTCH3 activation drives tumor progression in a model of mesenchymal colorectal cancer subtype [2015]

Recently a consensus molecular subtype (CMS) classification of colorectal cancer (CRC) has been esta...


GSE70538: Tissue specific demethylation is required for proper B-cell differentiation and function

Many studies have demonstrated that somatic cell differentiation during development is accompanied b...


GSE71217: How C/EBPa creates an elite cell state for reprogramming to pluripotency [RNAseq]

Mouse Bcell, upon ectopic expression of the transcription factor Cebpa for 18h, can be reprogrammed ...


GSE68042: 8p Loss of Heterozygosity triggers metastasis and drug resistance

Chromosome arm deletions are frequently observed in human cancers. Such large-scale aberrations may ...


GSE142875: Bulk RNA-sequencing of microglia in 3XTg-AD mice treated with anti-Nk1.1 depleting antibodies or isotype control

The goal of this experiment is to determine the effects of NK cells on microglia inflammation in 3XT...


GSE65395: Compared gene expression profile of gastric and intestinal progenitors grown as spheroids in the ex vivo culture system

In adult stomach, Lgr5 is a marker of epithelial glandular stem cells that grow in the three dimensi...


GSE68472: Transcriptional profile of XBP1-deficient ovarian cancer-associated dendritic cells (DCs)

ID8-based ovarian tumors were developed for 3 weeks in wild type (WT, N=3) or conditional knockout m...


GSE69351: Integrative analyses of human reprogramming reveal dynamic nature of induced pluripotency [SCRB-Seq]

Induced pluripotency is a promising avenue for disease modeling and therapy, but the molecular princ...


GSE68535: Vammin induces a highly efficient angiogenic response through VEGFR-2/NRP-1 and bypasses the regulatory function of VEGFR-1

Rationale: VEGF family members mediate their effects through cell surface receptors VEGFR-1, VEGFR-2...


GSE68086: RNA-seq of tumor-educated platelets enables blood-based pan-cancer, multiclass and molecular pathway cancer diagnostics

We report RNA-sequencing data of 283 blood platelet samples, including 228 tumor-educated platelet (...


GSE70542: Effects on the transcriptome of adult mouse pancreas (principally acinar cells) by the inactivation of the Ptf1a gene in vivo

RNA-seq analysis documented mRNA changes in total pancreatic RNA preparations 14 days after Ptf1a in...


GSE69197: RNA sequencing of matched nephrectomy samples [RNA-seq]

To address the need to study frozen clinical specimens using next-generation RNA, DNA, chromatin imm...


GSE122340: A Molecular Signature Predicts 2-Year Outcome of Biliary Atresia and Identifies a Treatment Target to Suppress Fibrosis

Background & Aims: Age at diagnosis and response to surgery have been correlated with an improved su...


GSE120200: Gene expression profiling of neural crest progenitor cultures derived from human embryonic stem cells carrying nonsense mutations in the Polycomb gene ASXL1 [HOM]

We observed impaired neural crest cell differentiation from human embryonic stem cells that harbor n...


GSE68087: Active DNA demethylation at enhancers during the vertebrate phylotypic period

The vertebrate body plan and organs are shaped during a conserved embryonic phase called the phyloty...


GSE69476: mRNA sequencing of the global effect of SOX2 on gene expression in hESC and hESC derived NPCs.

Global transcriptome analysis reveals that SOX2 regulates a common group safeguarding stem cell iden...


GSE69511: Transcriptome analysis of Jurkat T-ALL clones from control and CBAP-knockdown/knockout sets

We sequenced whole-genome mRNA from 8 different single stable clones of Jurkat cells modified with C...


GSE111518: Suppression of ILC2 differentiation from committed T cell precursors by E protein transcription factors

Current models propose that group 2 innate lymphoid cells are generated in the bone marrow. Here we ...


GSE69221: Transcriptome Profiling of Developing Murine Lens through RNA Sequencing

Purpose: Transcriptome is the entire repertoire of all transcripts present in a cell at any particul...


GSE69669: Roles of Yap1 in mouse embryonic stem cells

We report that Yap1 is dispensable for the maintenance of ES cells while Yap1 is required for the di...


GSE107728: RTP determination in cell lines

Nine cell lines were analyzed for transcriptomics and proteomics analyses. We wanted to measure the ...


GSE68582: Local Genome Topology Can Exhibit an Incompletely Rewired 3D-Folding State During Somatic Cell Reprogramming

The pluripotent genome is folded in a hierarchy of sophisticated topologies that markedly reconfigur...


GSE72560: Enteric glia express proteolipid protein 1 and are a transcriptionally unique population of glia in the mammalian nervous system

To identify the gene expression profile of enteric glia and assess the transcriptional similarity be...


GSE70751: Enhancer divergence and cis-regulatory evolution in the human and chimpanzee neural crest

Here we derive human and chimpanzee cranial neural crest cells (CNCCs) and profile histone modificat...


GSE75809: RNA-Seq analysis of the WEHI-231-derived stable cell lines WEHI-control and WEHI-miR-148a

miRNAs regulate the expression of its targets genes by promoting mRNA degradation and translational ...


GSE71042: ADAR1-mediated A-to-I RNA editing is essential for erythropoiesis [RNA-seq]

Purpose: RNA editing by ADAR1 is essential for hematopoietic development. The goals of this study we...


GSE68147: Anterior Heart Field (AHF)-conditional Mef2c Knockout

We have performed conditional inactivation of mef2c in the anterior heart field (AHF) of mice and ob...


GSE71069: Signal-Specific Genomic Regulation of NF-B by EGFR and IL-1R

To study how NF-B-dependent transcription is regulated differentially by EGFR, compared to the Inter...


GSE134153: Follicular regulatory T cells control humoral and allergic immunity by restraining early B cell responses

Tfh and Tfr cells from OVA or HDM challenged mice SOURCE: Peter SageSage Lab Brigham and Women's Hos...


GSE67715: Myc and SAGA Rewire an Alternative Splicing Network During Early Somatic Cell Reprogramming [Reprogramming_RNASEQ]

Embryonic stem cells are maintained in a self-renewing and pluripotent state by multiple regulatory ...


GSE115973: Impact of HSF1 and HSF2 on gene expression in normal growth conditions and upon proteotoxic stress.

RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) was used to study the impact of heat shock factors 1 and 2 (HSF1 and HSF2) ...


GSE134884: Bmal1 -/- RNA-seq in mouse embryonic stem cells

RNA seq experiment comparing mRNA expression in Bmal1 -/- and parental wild-type mESCs SOURCE: Jordi...


GSE65926 (mouse): Circular RNAs in the mammalian brain are highly abundant, conserved, and dynamically expressed

Circular RNAs (circRNAs) are an endogenous class of animal RNAs. Despite their abundance, their func...


GSE71203: Transcriptome analysis of RANK-positive and RANK-negative luminal progenitor subpopulations in the human breast

RANK-positive and RANK-negative luminal progenitor cells were isolated by FACS from histologically n...


GSE71982: Single-cell RNA-Seq resolves cellular complexity in sensory organs from the neonatal inner ear

In the inner ear, cochlear and vestibular sensory epithelia utilize grossly similar cell types to tr...


GSE108746: High-dimensional transcriptional analyses of UC Colon comparing RNALater to DMSO collection method

Simultaneous analyses of peripheral and mucosal immune compartments can yield insight into the patho...


GSE65935: Paraoxonase 2 Serves a Proapopotic Function in Mouse and Human Cells in Response to the Pseudomonas aeruginosa Quorum-Sensing Molecule N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-Homoserine Lactone.

Pseudomonas aeruginosa use quorum-sensing molecules, including N-(3-oxododecanoyl)-homoserine lacton...


GSE70078: Androgen receptor programming in human tissue implicates HOXB13 in prostate pathogenesis [RNA-Seq]

The androgen receptor (AR), a nuclear transcription factor (TF), is consistently reprogrammed during...


GSE70665: Integrated Profiling of mRNAs and microRNAs to Identify Potential Biomarkers for Oral Malignant Transformation [mRNA-Seq]

The purpose of this study was to systematically profile the expression of both mRNAs and miRNAs in O...


GSE70793: Transcriptional and translational analysis of wild-type and Mincle-KO macrophages

Analysis of total RNAs from wild-type and Mincle-KO macrophages stimulated with TLR2 ligand and co-s...


GSE73083: Determination of the Lef1 regulated tanscriptome in differentiating ES cells

Lef1 is a critical transducer of the Wnt/beta-catenin signaling pathway that is essential for mesode...


GSE109181: Transcriptome sequencing wide functional analysis of human mesenchymal stem cells with PolyIC treatment

Using RNA-seq, we report here that BM-MSC cells have a distinct transcriptomic signature and express...


GSE74534: Parallel single-cell bisulfite- and RNA-sequencing link transcriptional and epigenetic heterogeneity [RNA-seq]

We report scM&T-seq, a method for parallel single-cell genome-wide methylome and transcriptome seque...


GSE68156: Determination of the influence of caNrf2 expression and/or Dextran Sulfate Sodium treatment on genome wide mRNA expression in whole colon wall or colon epithelial cells

The transcription factor NF-E2-related factor 2 (Nrf2) is a major modulator of the cellular antioxid...