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Sequencing-based assays page 4

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GSE60285: HEB associates with PRC2 and SMAD2/3 to regulate developmental fates [RNA-Seq]

We report the interaction between HEB and PRC2 components in mouse embryonic stem cells (ESCs) SOURC...


GSE59269: Transcriptome analysis of WT and ATRX KO Cast x 129 mouse ES cells

Analysis of gene expression in WT and ATRX KO Cast x 129 Mouse ES cells SOURCE: Jim Hughes (jim.hugh...


GSE65524: Next Generation Sequencing Identifies Hoxa1 and Hoxc13 as Downstream Targets of Yap in Mouse Epithelial Tissues

The goals of this study are to identify in vivo downstream targets of Yap through NGS-derived tooth ...


GSE84961: Transcriptome analysis of lymphoid progenitors in Zbtb1-deficient mice

Purpose: Deficiency of Zbtb1 leads to the generation of myeloid cells from lymphoid progenitors when...


GSE66003: Gene expression profile of intact and hypophysectomized adult male and female mouse liver

Gene expression in intact and hypophysectomized adult mouse liver was assayed by RNA-seq analysis of...


GSE65160: Authentic single cell RNA-Seq by measuring the transcriptome of an individual cell twice

We developed a novel single-cell RNA-Seq technique that can directly measure the technical noises fo...


GSE57809: Genome-wide expression profiles in young and old mouse liver [RNA-seq]

Aging is accompanied by physiological impairments, which, in insulin-responsive tissues, including t...


GSE62398: mRNA sequencing of Trim71 conditional ("WT") and Trim71 KO mES cells

We report that Trim71 mutation does not lead to significant changes within the core regulatory netwo...


GSE48043: Late life rapamycin treatment reverses age-related heart dysfunction

We report the mRNA profile of aged mice (24 months old) fed either a control diet or a diet containi...


GSE86006: Genome-wide profiling of differentially spliced mRNA resulting from prenatal alcohol exposure in human cerebral cortex

Report of alternative splicing events altered by alcohol exposure in human fetal ceebral cortex in l...


GSE60261: Quantitative Analysis of Wild Type and Dicer1-ifKO Hippocampal Transcriptomes (mRNA and small RNA) Through Next Generation Sequencing (mRNA-Seq).

Methods: CaMKIIa-creERT2 (Erdmann et al., 2007) and Dicer1f/f (Harfe et al., 2005) were crossed to p...


GSE60402: RNA-seq of laser-capture microdissected 50x50x50 um tissue cubes from the medial ganglionic eminence of wild-type and GFRa1 mutant mice

Cortical interneurons originating from the medial ganglionic eminence (MGE) are among the most diver...


GSE46513: RNA-sequencing analysis of 5' capped RNAs identifies novel differentially expressed genes in sessile serrated colon polyps (SSPs)

RNA-sequencing of SSP RNA from patients with serrated polyposis syndrome identifies VSIG1 and MUC17 ...


GSE60587: Impact of Tcf1 and Lef1 deficiency on HSCs

Comparison of transcriptome between control and Tcf1/Lef1-deficient hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs)....


GSE50068: MiR-21 is targeted by STAT5 but dispensable for mammary gland development

In this study we identifies miR-21 to by under cytokine control through the transcription factor STA...


GSE61425: The miR-155/PU.1 axis acts on Pax5 to enable efficient terminal B cell differentiation [RNA-Seq]

miR-155 inhibits PU.1 expression, leading to the initiation of the initiation of plasma cell differe...


GSE98838: Combining RNA-Seq and Somatic CRISPR Mutagenesis to Study Mouse Neural Development in vivo

We used RNA sequencing to identify candidate regulators of interactions between photoreceptor axons ...


GSE50893: Extensive Variation in Chromatin States Across Humans

The majority of disease-associated variants lie outside protein-coding regions, suggesting a link be...


GSE63809: Brd4 regulation of activity dependent transcription

Inhibition of Brd4 with Jq1 in neurons with or without BDNF stimulation SOURCE: Erica KorbAllis Lab ...


GSE63797: MicroRNA targetome analysis during HCMV infection

To elucidate miRNA-mediated temporal crosstalk during productive infection, we identified genome-wid...


GSE51507: Comparison of microRNA Profiling Platforms (HTS)

Global miRNA expression profiling of human malignancies is gaining popularity in both basic and clin...


GSE119123: Transcriptome analysis of influenza infected GFP+ AEC compared to bystander GFP- AEC

A GFP-expressing recombinant A/Puerto Rico/8/1934 influenza virus was used to infect C57BL/6 wild ty...


GSE59884: PTBP1 excludes UPF1 to protect long 3'UTRs from nonsense-mediated mRNA decay

RNA-seq analysis of human 293 Tet-off cells depleted of PTBP1 and UPF1 alone and in tandem with spec...


GSE56267: The age and genomic integrity of neurons after cortical stroke in humans

It has been unclear whether ischemic stroke induces neurogenesis or neuronal DNA-rearrangements in t...


GSE69900: AE9aId1fl/flCreER cells

AE9aId1fl/flCreER cells treated with the control vehicle, CBD or 4-OHT SOURCE: Lan Wang (l.wang30@me...


GSE103457: Quantitative Analysis of Wildtype and Neurog2CKO Heterozygote and Mutant Retinal Transcriptomes by RNA Sequencing

To generate an unbiased view of changes to the retinal gene network in Neurog2 retinal mutants, we g...


GSE61205: Global MEF2 target gene analysis in cardiac and skeletal muscle reveals novel regulation of DUSP6 by p38MAPKMEF2 signaling [RNA-seq]

Identfification of MEF2A target genes using ChIP-exo and RNA-seq in skeletal muscle and primary card...


GSE60968: Gcn5 and PCAF negatively regulate interferon production through HAT-independent inhibition of TBK1 [RNA-Seq]

Gcn5/PCAF double knockout (dKO) leads to loss of the global H3K9ac. RNA-Seq was performed to define ...


GSE70020: Expression profiles of innate and Th2 lymphocytes

We compare the transcription profiles of IL-5-reporter marked ILC2s and Th2 cells sorted from mouse ...


GSE53218: Genome-wide transcriptional regulation by RBP-J

We sequenced mRNAs from bone borrow derived macrophages derived from the control (WT) and RBP-J cond...


GSE113615: RNA-Seq comparison of pancreatic stellate cells (PSCs) cultured with control media or tumor organoid conditioned media in the presence or absence of JAKi

We investigated the roles of JAK/STAT signaling in PSCs cultured with tumor organoid conditioned med...


GSE140992: BRD4 is necessary for epidermal differentiation

BRD4 is an epigenetic reader known to bind to acetylated lysines on histones and transcription facto...


GSE61130: Analysis of the senescent transcriptome upon expression of a ZFP36L1 phosphomutant

We expressed either a wt or a phosphomutant version of ZFP36L1 in IMR90 ER:RAS cells. 7 days upon RA...


GSE63166: Small RNA and transcriptome profiling of mice deficient in either germline Dgcr8 or Dicer

We used Illumina Small RNA and RNA-Seq kits to prepare both small RNA and RNA-Seq libraries from tot...


GSE119178: Mammalian SWI/SNF collaborates with a polycomb-associated protein to regulate germ line transcription [RNA-seq]

RNA-seq on spermatogenic cells from P12 testes SOURCE: Debashish Menon (dmenon@email.unc.edu) - Terr...


GSE61209: RNA-seq profiling of transcriptomes of control and Hif1a mutant E12.5 hearts

Purpose: to identify genes aberrantly expressed upon myocardial ablation of Hif1a; Methods: a floxed...


GSE79422: Integrative analysis of 3D nucleome and chromatin accessibility reveals a chromatin barrier established for T-lineage commitment during early T cell development [Dnase-Seq, HiC-Seq, Mnase-Seq, RNA-Seq]

Hematopoiesis consists of step-wise commitment of multiple distinct intermediate differentiation sta...


GSE61851: RNA-seq analysis of withdrawal of miR-155 hyperexpression in miR-155-addicted tumors

Overexpression of miR-155 in hematological tissue leads to the onset of lymphoma, and Tet-off shutdo...


GSE61490: RNA-sequencing study of peripheral blood monocytes for chronic periodontitis

We confirmed immune response as the key mechanism and provided solid evidence for novel genes (e.g.,...


GSE62784: Cell-autonomous transformation of Lgr5-positive intestinal stem cells into gastric stem cells upon loss of transcription factor Cdx2

Stomach and intestinal adult epithelia harbor stem cells that are responsible for their continuous r...


GSE93318: Genome-wide analysis of PER2 on BMAL1 DNA binding and transcription

We use PER2-inducible system to analyse BMAL1 chromatin binding by ChIPseq and expression profile by...


GSE62479: Prevention and cure of rotavirus infection via TLR5/NLRC4-mediated production of IL-22 and IL-18

Activators of innate immunity may have potential to combat a broad range of infectious agents. We re...


GSE71385: Gene expression analysis of mouse intestinal cells that lack Cdk8

RNAseq is performed (50bp single end reads) on parental young adult mouse intestinal cells (YAMC) or...


GSE57500: Association of genes regulated by Ezh2 and trimethylation of histone 3 lysine 27

Differentiation of nave CD4+ T cells into effector (Th1, Th2 and Th17) and induced regulatory (iTreg...


GSE62540: SMN2 splicing modifiers improve motor function and longevity in mice with spinal muscular atrophy

Characterization of the selectivity of SMN splicing modifiers in SMA type I fibroblasts by RNASeq SO...


GSE63813: RNA sequencing of allelic series of miR-17~92 mutant embryos.

We report the generation of an allelic series of miR-17~92 mutant mice, each carrying the targeted d...


GSE95537: Arid1a promotes tumor initiation but restrains progression and metastasis in liver cancer [RNA-seq]

ARID1A is hypothesized to be one of the most common tumor suppressors in human cancer. However, the...


GSE123603: IL-6 augments IL-4-induced polarization of primary human macrophages through synergy of STAT3, STAT6 and BATF transcription factors

Here we explored how cytokines of the tumor milieu, interleukin (IL)-6 and IL-4, interact to influen...


GSE61476: FOXG1-dependent dysregulation of GABA/glutamate neuron differentiation in autism spectrum disorders

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a disorder of brain development believed, in most cases, to be of ...


GSE116558: RNA-seq and ATAC-seq analysis on mesenchymal stem cells

Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are known to be heterogeneous; MSCs from different tissues show charac...


GSE62556: The evolution of genic piRNA cluster loci expression patterns

This study examines the conservation of Piwi-interacting RNA (piRNA) clusters that come from protein...


GSE157591: MYC Promotes Bone Marrow Stem Cell Dysfunction in Fanconi Anemia

We profiled primary HSPCs from Fanconi anemia (FA) patients for single cell transcriptome (scRNA-seq...


GSE144779: Transcriptome profiling of murine liver from EndoV knock-out and wildtype mice

We performed high-throughput RNA sequencing to characterize possible differences in the transcriptom...


GSE61874: Unbiased identification and comparison of chromatin patterns from deep-sequencing data

Robust comparison of deep-sequencing data sets is often hampered by differences in their pattern str...


GSE67519: Genome-wide mapping of TEL-AML1 targets in acute leukemia

Around 20-25% of childhood acute lymphoblastic leukemias carry the TEL-AML1 (TA) fusion gene. It is ...


GSE61915: Transcriptional changes in the aging mouse hippocampus (RNA-seq)

We sequenced mRNA from three age groups (3months (3M), 24 months (24M) and 29 months (29M)) from the...


GSE62822: Comparison of expression profiles of Ba/F3 cells transduced with human CALR or human CALR + Type 1 mutation (hCALR-del52) by RNA-seq

Murine Ba/F3 cells were transduced with retroviral vectors (pMSCV-IRES-GFP) expressing hCALR or hCAL...


GSE154670: RNA-seq of CD4 CD8 lineage differentiation in the mouse thymus

We used flow cytometry to sort phenotypically defined thymocyte populations and profiled gene expres...


GSE62040: Rb1+/+ versus Rb1S/S RNA Seq

Upon G1-S transition, cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) phosphorylate the retinoblastoma tumor suppre...


GSE63243: KLF15 Establishes the Landscape of Circadian Expression in the Heart

In the heart, KLF15 directs a biphasic circadian rhythm, while preventing extraneous oscillation at ...


GSE63853: The effect of Ezh2 knockdown in high-grade glioma

To provide further insight about the effects of prolonged Ezh2 inhibition in glioblastoma using prec...


GSE60603 (mouse): An alternative pluripotent state confers interspecies chimaeric competency [RNA-Seq]

Here we show that by simple modulation of extrinsic signaling pathways, a new class of pluripotent s...


GSE58669: A Dach2-Hdac9-Myog-Gdf5 signaling system regulates regeneration of neuromuscular synapses

Muscle denervation due to injury, disease or aging results in impaired motor function. Restoring ne...


GSE70889: Gene and retrotransposon expression analysis for WT, Pld6 KO, and Dnmt3l KO male germ cells during spermatogenesis

mRNA sequencing analysis of P0 testes and FACS-purified leptotene/zygotene (L/Z) spermatocytes SOURC...


GSE99175: Selectively targeting bromodomain and extraterminal proteins for degradation as a novel anti-glioblastoma strategy [RNA-seq]

Purpose: Characterization of mechanism and vulnerability of BET protein dependency in GBM cells. Me...


GSE63755: Defective removal of ribonucleotides from DNA promotes systemic autoimmunity

Constitutive low level DNA damage in RNASEH2 deficiency is linked to innate immune activation. Hiera...


GSE67828: Profiling of soma and neurite transcriptomes

We report mRNA profiles of subcellularly localized transcriptomes (soma and neurite) of two mouse ce...


GSE63792: Signaling to histone H3 for augmented transcription in the inflammatory response

The inflammatory response depends upon selective, rapid transcription initiation and high-level gene...


GSE60982: Transcriptome of hepatocellular carcinoma using CAGE

An increasing number of non-coding RNAs (ncRNAs) are implicated in various human diseases including ...


GSE62852: LncRNAs specific signature in acute myeloid leukemia with intermediate risk

The aim of this study was to investigate the role of lncRNAs in acute myeloid leukemia with normal c...


GSE64027: RNA-Seq studies identify cancer-related genes differentially regulated during inflammation-driven lung tumorigenesis and modulated by chemopreventive agents

Purpose: Chronic pulmonary inflammation in the form of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) ...


GSE150806: Quantitative Analysis of different NK cell types Transcriptomes

We compared transcriptome of different types of NK cells including obtained from peripheral Blood (P...


GSE63420: Massive parallel sequencing uncovers actionable FGFR2-PPHLN1 fusion and ARAF mutations in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma

Intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma (iCCA) is a fatal bile duct cancer with dismal prognosis and limited...


GSE86497: miR-93 Targets in Human Endothelial Cells

miR-93-5p controls endothelial glycolysis and proliferation SOURCE: Suvi Kuosmanen University of Eas...


GSE72521: Regulation of Lin28b and let-7 in developmental myelopoiesis

We isolated RNA from sorted common myeloid progenitor cells from wild-type fetal liver, wild-type ad...


GSE62355: Transcription and Imprinting Dynamics in Developing Postnatal Male Germline Stem Cells

Paternal imprinting initiates in primordial germ cells (PGCs), and is considered largely completed a...


GSE55552: Hepatocyte ductal metaplasia in chronic mouse liver injury

Expression profiling of hepatocytes-derived ductal cells with properties intermediate between mature...


GSE62917: The RNA editing enzyme ADAR1 is a key regulatory of innate immune responses to RNA

The ADAR RNA editing enzymes deaminate adenosine bases to inosines in cellular RNAs, recoding open r...


GSE62698: Spinal cord injury (RNA sequencing data)

We investigated the gene expression profile of monocyte-derived macrophages and microglia following ...


GSE61677: IL-21-mediated non-canonical pathway for IL-1 production in conventional dendritic cells

The canonical pathway for IL-1 production requires TLR-mediated NF-B-dependent Il1b gene induction, ...


GSE62974 (human): RNA sequencing (RNA-SEQ) of EPAS1 knockdown by siRNA in endothelial cells

Purpose: By integrating DNA methylation and gene expression of COPD lung tissues, we identified EPAS...


GSE67488: Omic Personality: The Longitudinal Consistency of Transcriptional, Epigenetic and Clinical Profiles [RNA-Seq]

Background: Personalized medicine is predicated on the notion that individual biochemical and geno...


GSE134351: Gene expression profile in the tethered Nrf2-MafG (T-N2G) heterodimer-expressing small Maf-deficient cells [RNA-seq]

To elucidate the function of Nrf2-small Maf heterodimer, we constructed a tethered Nrf2-MafG (T-N2G)...


GSE64054: Postnatal epigenetic development of mouse intestinal stem cells (RNA-seq)

We used RNA sequencing to quantify the gene expression levels in the intestinal stem cells (ISCs) or...


GSE66927: Ribo_seq (aka ribosome profiling) analysis of control and Myc-induced U2OS cells

We used Ribo-seq to examine the effect of Myc activation on protein translation in U2OS cells and co...


GSE63310: Transcriptome profiling of purified mouse mammary stem, progenitor and mature cell populations

Purpose: The aim of this study is to determine the absolute and relative expression levels of mRNA t...


GSE61486: Lineage Reprogramming of mouse fibroblasts into induced cardiac progenitor cells by defined factors

Mouse adult cardiac fibroblasts were infected with doxycycline inducible, 11 cardiac factors. Additi...


GSE64452: RNA-SEQ profiling of dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmental area regions of the mouse mid-brain

RNA-SEQ profiling of dopaminergic neurons from the substantia nigra pars compacta and ventral tegmen...


GSE138375: Genome wide methylation analysis of aged uterus and decidua

We use MeDIP-sequencing to measure global DNA methylation (5mC) in the uteri of young and aged C57BL...


GSE104141: Cranial pericytes derived from neural crest cells reveal an inherent cell type-specific defect in Alzheimer's Disease

Forebrain microvasculature is defective in Alzheimer's disease. To model the role of cranial pericyt...


GSE67135: miR-124, -128 and -137 orchestrate neural differentiation by acting on overlapping gene sets containing a highly connected transcription factor network

We report the application of RNA-seq profiling on neural stem cells after antagomiR transfection. SO...


GSE64082: PRK1/PKN1 controls migration and metastasis of androgen-independent prostate cancer cells

The aim of this study is to describe expression changes related to the metastatic behavior of PCa ce...


GSE79632: Transcriptome of Zfp36l1-deficient MZ B cells, WT MZ B cells and WT FO B cells.

Purpose: to identify the effects on the transcriptome of deleting ZFP36L1 in MZ B cells SOURCE: Mart...


GSE64417: Induction of circular RNA in fetal heart development recapitulated in in vitro differentiation

We discovered induction of circular RNA in human fetal tissues, including the heart. In this study, ...


GSE145021: Gene expression analysis of skin by active vitamin D3 analogue

Total RNAs extracted from skin tissues of wild-type C57BL/6 or K5-Cre;VDR f/f mice stimulated by Oxa...


GSE64553: RNA-seq of human fibroblasts during normal aging and during aging with rotenone perturbation

Human fibroblasts at different population doublings were treated with low amounts of rotenone (mild ...


GSE62771: Checkpoint Blockade Cancer Immunotherapy Targets Tumor-Specific Mutant Antigens

Cytotoxic T-lymphocyte associated antigen-4 (CTLA-4) and Programmed death-1 (PD-1) are immunoregulat...


GSE64559: RNA expression in P1 sciatic nerves

RNA seq was performed comparing SC-specific Dicer mutants with SC-specific Lin28B transgenics to obt...


GSE62913: Genome wide transcript and miRNAanalysis of invitro and in-vivo generated human cardiac samples

We report the identification of miRNAs and transcripts that are regulated during human cardiac matur...


GSE64478: Gene expression analysis of HdhQ111 mice in a Pin1 knock-out background

we report additional phenotypes of mHtt mice that are modified in Pin1 knock-out mice SOURCE: France...