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Fibrolamellar hepatocellular carcinoma (FL-HCC) is a rare variant of HCC that most frequently affect...
Esophageal squamous cell carcinoma (ESCC) is an aggressive malignancy and the major histological sub...
To validate the predicted Sh2b3 derived gene regulatory subnetwork using integrative network approac...
Developmental mechanisms of lineage specification are crucial to tissue-specific gene regulation, an...
We sequenced mRNA from three preparations each of murine Gfra1+ spermatogonial stem cells (SSC), SSC...
Genome-wide expression profiles in peripheral monocytes (PM) from 19 obese women before and 3 months...
Purpose: We have succeeded in the generation and long-term expansion of SOX9-expressing CD271+PDGFRa...
We analyze the cortical transcriptome under physiological or FGF2-perturbed conditions. Using system...
PRDM16 is highly enriched in adult stem cells and plays a crucial role in multiple developmental pro...
Through development of an in vivo orthotopic lung cancer model, we reveal an unanticipated pathway d...
Physiologically relevant concentrations of retinoic acid are added to Mouse ES cells and a time cour...
Epigenetic changes, including histone methylation, control T cell differentiation and memory formati...
TDP43 and SRSF3 has been reported to be RNA-binding proteins; however their roles in breast cancer p...
We used RNA sequencing to identify differentially expressed genes during esophageal epithelial diffe...
The analysis reveals the importance of CD14 in microglial responses to pathogen- and damage-associat...
Through a genetic screen in BRAF mutant tumor cells, we show that the Hippo pathway effector YAP act...
PURPOSE: The goal of this study was to determine the gene expression networks regulated by tumor nec...
Single cell mouse BFU-E (burst forming unit-erythroid ) were FACS-deposited into individual wells o...
RNA-Seq for Lsd1-deficient TSCs or treated with Lsd1 inhibitor for 24hrs SOURCE: Maria,Josefina,Cas...
Total RNA sequencing of human and murine myoblasts and myotubes was extracted, depleted of ribosomal...
bulk RNAseq of AT2 cells transcriptome changes comparing Sin3aLOF with control two weeks after tamox...
We profiled the skeletal muscle transcriptome between wild type and B-crystallin/HspB2 knock mice ex...
We characterized the marine natural product cortistatin A (CA) as an inhibitor of CDK8 to determine ...
A time course of the macrophage response to Salmonella exposure analyzing the effects of input cell ...
FoxP3-expressing regulatory T (Treg) cells are essential to maintain immune homeostasis. Activated T...
Analysis of the coordinated transcriptional response to unfolded proteins in cytosol and nucleus uti...
To examine the effect of Nf1 inactivation in astrocytes on normal microglia in the optic nerve, micr...
To identify effector genes of pancreatic beta cell dedifferentiation and dysfunction, we performed R...
The chromatin modifying enzymes that drive the erythroid-specific transcription program are incomple...
Transcriptomal comparison between group 2 innate lymphoid cells (ILC2s) in the murine small intestin...
Microglia in the microenvironment of low-grade tumors have been shown to allow and support tumor gro...
Megakaryocytes isolated from Gfi1b flox/flox mice carrying PF4-Cre or not, and from Gfi1b flox/flox ...
Analysis of the coordinated transcriptional reponse to heat shock and ER stress SOURCE: Thomas Wandl...
Purpose: Mounting evidence suggests that the spinal dorsal horn (SDH) contains multiple subpopulatio...
Lgr5+ stem cells reside at crypt bottoms of the small and large intestine. Small intestinal Paneth c...
We performed single-cell and bulk transcriptome profiling in two different human cell lines. We perf...
In mammals, the nuclear lamina interacts with hundreds of large genomic regions, termed lamina-assoc...
We generated the cardiac-specific knockout of Trbp (Trbp-cKO) in mice. We profiled the transcriptome...
Circular RNAs (circRNAs), formed by the atypical head-to-tail splicing of exons, have re-emerged as ...
Robustness to perturbation, or canalization, is a fundamental and required feature of complex organi...
Purpose: The oxidation resistance gene 1 (OXR1) is crucial for protecting against oxidative stress, ...
OCM-1A uveal melanoma cells were infected with lentivirus carrying shRNA expression constructs speci...
RNA-seq transcriptome profiling of human induced pluripotent stem cells to characterize gene express...
Neonates are intrinsically defective at creating memory CD8+ T cells in response to infection with i...
RNA-seq of splenic follicular B2 cells, peritoneal 5C5 B1 cells and peritoneal B2toB1 cells 30 days ...
Huntington's disease (HD) is an autosomal dominant neurodegenerative disorder that is characterized ...
Alternative cleavage and polyadenylation (APA) results in mRNA isoforms containing different 3 untra...
The AE3 (Slc4a3) Cl/HCO3 exchanger is highly abundant in heart, but its function is not known. To as...
Genes are up and down regualted in DRG and spinal dorsal cord after peripheral nerve injury SOURCE: ...
Transposable elements (TEs) have been active in the mammalian genome for hundreds of millions of yea...
Myocardin-Related Transcription Factors A and B (MRTF-A and MRTF-B) are highly homologous proteins t...
ZCCHC24, Zinc Finger, CCHC domain containing 24. Showed mesenchymal cell specific expression, but no...
Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular path...
Upon recruitment to active enhancers and promoters, RNA polymerase II (Pol_II) generates short non-c...
Cancer originates as the progressive accumulation of genetic mutations in proto-oncogenes and tumor ...
During development, neural crest cells are induced by signaling events at the neural plate border of...
Purpose: To profile the effect of the Maf1 knockout on RNA polymerase II and RNA polymerase III tran...
The application of massively-parallel sequencing (MPS) technology to understanding how the genome is...
Knockdown of mutant and/or wild-type SF3B1 in MEL202 cell line by Degron knock-in, followed by RNA-s...
We sequenced mRNA from E18.5 mouse cortex (3 wild-type vs 3 Nova2-/- and 3 wild-type vs 3 Nova1-/-) ...
We report a transcriptional response in the mouse bladder that encompasses multiple innate immune ne...
In this study, we confirmed that transformed dedifferentiated astrocytes and neurons acquired a stem...
[Gro-seq] Precursor B acute leukemia cells measured using global nuclear run-on sequencing; [ChIP-Se...
Breast cancer metastasis is driven by profound remodeling of the intracellular cytoskeleton enabling...
To determine what mRNAs are translated at baseline in CD4+ T cells, and whether these are altered in...
Haematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) are derived early from embryonic precursor cells, such as haemogeni...
We found that Dnmt3l-KO donor cells display decreased levels of H3K9me3 and H3K27me3 accumulation, h...
Chronic nitroglycerin treatment elicits hyperalgesia in mice that is significantly augmented by a hu...
The maternal and paternal genomes play different roles in mammalian brains as a result of genomic im...
Little is known about how pro-obesity diets regulate tissue stem and progenitor cell function. Here ...
The goal of this study is to analyze the role of Srf in transcriptional analysis during cardiomyocyt...
This experiment analyzes the set of RNAs copurifying with the protein TNIP2 (amino acids 196-346) SO...
We analyzed the functions of BTG family proteins in maternal mRNA degradation in mouse oocytes. By c...
SNPs affecting disease risk often reside in non-coding genomic regions. Here we show that SNPs are h...
Cell fate can be directly converted between differentiated cells by lineage reprogramming, thus gene...
Purpose: determine RNA expression differences in an unbiased fashion between UPS tumors derived from...
RNA sequencing of human leukemia SOURCE: Guy Sauvageau Institute for Research in Immunology and Canc...
Analysis of alternative splicing in heart (left ventricles) samples of 3 adult DM1 patients versus ...
RNA-seq profiling was conducted on clinically-annotated human pancreatic adenocarcinoma cancer tissu...
Sustained remission is now an achievable goal in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) using modern treat-to-tar...
Counter to the long-held belief that DNA methylation of terminally differentiated cells is permanent...
Numerous chromatin-remodelling factors are regulated by interactions with RNA. However, the contexts...
AD drug discovery has rarely been addressed in the context of aging even though sporadic AD accounts...
Despite extensive molecular characterization, we lack a comprehensive picture of lineage identity, d...
Thymic antigen-presenting cells (APCs), including thymic dendritic cells (t-DCs) and medullary thymi...
The sensation of light is initiated in photoreceptor cells by the photoisomerization of a chromophor...
Purpose: The goals of this study are to compare the transcriptomic profile (mRNA-seq) of HD and cont...
Analysis of gene expression by RNA-seq in mouse wildtype, premalignant and malignant E-Myc cells. SO...
Dengue virus is an + strand RNA virus. We have carried our infections of human cells with Dengue and...
The ubiquitous efflux transporter ATP-binding cassette sub-family C member 5 (ABCC5) is present at h...
Minocycline is a potent modulator of retinal microglia SOURCE: Thomas Langmann (thomas.langmann@uk-k...
Pluripotent stem cell-derived cardiomyocytes (PSC-CMs) were transplanted into rats for one month to ...
MicroRNAs are a major class of gene regulators in mammals. While numerous aspects of the immune sys...
This study aimed to perform transcriptome profiling of Nfic-/- and corresponding control tooth germ ...
We have used deep sequencing to follow polyomavirus infection of mouse NIH3T6 cells. We carried out...
We report a time course of RNA-seq data from wild-type embryonic stem cells and embryonic stem cells...
Neuronal development requires a complex choreography of transcriptional decisions to obtain specific...
Analysis of transcriptional differences between control and RA-treated cells during cardiac differen...
Olfaction is one of the most crucial senses for vertebrates regarding foraging and social behavior. ...
We revealed that PHF6 bound to the promoters of a subset of neuronal immediate-early genes (IEGs) an...