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Sequencing-based assays page 9

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GSE78505: Regulation of Th17 cell pathogenic function by miR-183/96/182

Th17 cells are key players in autoimmune diseases. However, the roles of non-coding RNAs in Th17 cel...


GSE79898: A novel synthetic jumonji H3K27 demethylase inhibitor GSK-J4 exert immunosuppressive activities

Using RNA-seq, we report that jumonji H3K27 demethylase inhibitor, GSK-J4, exerts potent anti-inflam...


GSE91000: Cystathionine--Synthase Promotes Colon Carcinogenesis

Purpose: The goal of this study is to investigate the role of CBS enzyme in colorectal carcinogenesi...


GSE80465: Aging, microglia and cytoskeletal regulation are key factors in the pathological evolution of the APP23 mouse model for Alzheimers disease

Aging is a key factor in Alzheimer's disease, but it's correlation with the pathology and pathologic...


GSE78130: Deep sequencing of mRNA from Mus musculus at two different timepoints in skin (ear clip)

longitudinal gene expression profiles SOURCE: Marco Groth (marco.groth@leibniz-fli.de) - Leibniz In...


GSE81206: RNA-Sequencing to identify the transcriptional targets of Rai1

The goals of this study are to harvest Rai1-deficient mouse brains from multiple tissues and timepoi...


GSE85690: Distinct cell cycle control in two different states of mouse pluripotency

The cell cycle of pluripotent mouse serum ESCs is characterised by a shortened G1-phase. Here we ass...


GSE72823: Mammary Tumor Associated RNAs impact tumor cell proliferation, invasion and migration

Recent genome-wide studies revealed that only 2% of the human genome encodes for mRNAs that are tran...


GSE86188: Aerobic glycolysis promotes T helper 1 cell differentiation through an epigenetic mechanism

We analyzed LDHA-regulated genes in mouse Th1 cells through RNA-Seq and ChIP-Seq SOURCE: Ming Li (li...


GSE72860: Binding of 14-3-3 reader proteins to phosphorylated DNMT1 facilitates aberrant DNA methylation and gene expression

Mammalian DNA (cytosine-5) methyltransferase 1 (DNMT1) is essential for maintenance methylation. Pho...


GSE78143: RNA-Seq of subcutaneous inguinal white fat of Hlx transgenic mice and littermate controls.

RNA-Seq of subcutaneous inguinal white fat of Hlx transgenic mice and littermate controls. SOURCE: Y...


GSE78701: Estrogen and mTORC1 dependent genes in the uterus of uterine-specific Tsc2-null mice

To uncover genes regulated by mTORC1 and estradiol in uterine Tsc2-null LAM like cells, we performed...


GSE79902: Control of Neuronal Synapse Specification by a Highly Dedicated Alternative Splicing program

The RNA binding protein SLM2 represents a major functional determinant of neuronal function by direc...


GSE79937: Mesp1Cre;Hira-/fl and Mesp1Cre;Hira+/fl in heart at E11.5 and E12.5

Purpose: The goals of this study are to compare transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) resulting from a ...


GSE81079: The function of c-Fos in hepatocarcinogenesis

c-Fos, a member of the stress-activated Activator Protein 1 (AP-1) transcription factor family, is e...


GSE80176: Inhibition of DNA methylation promotes breast tumor sensitivity to netrin-1 interference [RNA-Seq]

Results provide the animal proof of concept that inhibition of DNA methylation can sensitize solid t...


GSE85702: Effect of endophilin A deficiency in mouse hippocampus

We tested how complete or partial loss of endophilin A1, A2 and A3 affects gene expression in mouse ...


GSE85187: Transcriptome sequencing of K-562 cells

We analyzed the global effect of c-Myb knockdown by sequencing the transcriptomes of K-562 cells tra...


GSE134368: RNA-seq analysis of WT and HDAC1f/f HDAC2f/+ x CD4cre deficient activated helper T cells

CD4+ T cells have the potential to differentiate into effector cells with cytotoxic activity (CD4+ C...


GSE79105: Ptbp2 controls an alternative splicing network required for cell communication during spermatogenesis [RNA-Seq]

Alternative splicing (AS) plays key roles in the specialization of cell functions in different tissu...


GSE80655: RNA-sequencing of human post-mortem brain tissues

RNA-seq profiling was conducted on clinically-annotated human post-mortem brain tissues SOURCE: Kevi...


GSE80802: AZ1366: An inhibitor of tankyrase and the canonical Wnt pathway that limits the persistence of non-small cell lung cancer cells following EGFR inhibition

EGFR-mut NSCLC lines show differential suceptibility to inhibition of tankyrase in the presence of E...


GSE79927: A Preclinical Model of Human Acute Myeloid Leukemia with an Autologous Immune System for Studying Mechanisms of Tumorigenesis and Immunotherapy

Next generation sequencing of bulk leukemic and leukemic stem cells in de novo human AML driven by ...


GSE80780: Human islets contain four distinct subtypes of cells

The transcriptomes of four subpopulations of beta cells isolated by FACS from five healthy human don...


GSE92450: Nuclear receptor corepressor (NCOR) and HDAC3 in hypothalamus [RNA-Seq]

We determined genomic binding of HDAC3 in mouse hypothalamus by ChIP-seq, and identified target gene...


GSE79928: Characterization and transplantation of enteric neural crest cells from human induced pluripotent stem cells

Here, human pluripotent stem cells (hiPSCs and hESCs) were induced to differentiate to enteric neuro...


GSE81424: Identification of an NKX3.1-G9a-UTY regulatory network that controls prostate differentiation (Mouse_4M-Prostate_RNA-Seq)

Analysis of transcriptome of prostate tissue from 4-month-old Nkx3.1 +/+ and Nkx3.1 -/- mice. SOURCE...


GSE85136: Sex Differences in Nucleus Accumbens Transcriptome Profiles Associated with Susceptibility versus Resilience to Subchronic Variable Stress

Depression and anxiety disorders are more prevalent in females, but the majority of research in anim...


GSE80182: A TGFbeta-PRMT5-MEP50 Axis Regulates Cancer Cell Invasion through Histone H3 and H4 Arginine Methylation Coupled Transcriptional Activation and Repression

We sequenced mRNA from 3 biological replicates each of A549 lung adenocarcinoma cell lines expressin...


GSE91062 (mouse): Epigenetic Therapy Increases Therapeutic Efficacy in Myeloproliferative Neoplasms Through Inhibition of Aberrant Inflammatory Signaling

The mechanisms that mediate transformation in MPN are not fully delineated and clinically utilized J...


GSE75925: RNA-seq analysis of dickkopf-3 knockout and C57Bl/6 mice kidneys 7 days after unilateral ureteral obstruction

Renal tubular atrophy and interstitial fibrosis are common hallmarks of etiologically different prog...


GSE92592: mRNA Sequencing of Ideopathic Pulmonary Fibrosis (IPF) and Control Samples from the Lung Tissue Research Consortium (LTRC)

IPF (n=20) and control (n=19) samples were obtained through the LTRC and were sequenced on an Illumi...


GSE80210: Transcriptome of Ago2_KO mouse embryonic stem cells (mESCs) before and after XEN differentiation

Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular path...


GSE89692: Transcriptional response to early life stress in mouse ventral tegmental area

This study explored the interaction of early life and adult stress on transcriptional and chromosoma...


GSE80669: Defining AP4- and MYC-regulated gene expression programs in germinal center B cells during cyclic re-entry

B cells diversify and affinity-mature their antigen receptor repertoire in germinal centers (GC). GC...


GSE79941: Rebalancing gene haploinsufficiency in vivo by targeting chromatin

Here we show that the T-box transcription factor encoded by Tbx1 positively regulates monomethylatio...


GSE75596: Widespread differential expression of coding region and UTR sequences in neurons and other tissues

Mature messenger RNAs (mRNAs) consist of coding sequence (CDS) and 5 and 3 untranslated regions, typ...


GSE80671: Gene expression changes upon Mof knockout in MLL-AF9 transformed murine LSKs

We report Illumina next generation RNA sequencing (RNAseq) of MLL-AF9 in vitro transformed murine LS...


GSE129513: B cells sorted from VHL floxed MB1- Cre

ProB-PreB, immature and mature B cells were sorted from the bone marrow of mice and the RNA subseque...


GSE80222: Polycomb Ezh2 controls the fate of GABAergic neurons in the embryonic cerebellum

Genetic ablation of Ezh2 in Pax7-Cre driven lineages resulted in developmental defects in E13.5 cere...


GSE80282: Evolutionary origin and functional divergence of stem cell homeobox genes in eutherian mammals

We individually examined the ability of human ARGFX, DPRX, LEUTX, and TPRX1 to regulate gene express...


GSE80312: PTCHD1, a neurodevelopmental disorder-associated gene, contributes to glutamatergic neurotransmission through interaction with SAP102 and PSD95

Neuronal activity and synapse development represent fundamental processes for the establishement of ...


GSE80239: EZH2 inhibitor-mediated transcriptional profiling in prostate cancer cells [RNA-seq]

We reported here the gene expression profiles that were mediated upon the treatment of EZH2 inhibito...


GSE145110: Heterogeneity in antiviral responses in the upper respiratory tract promotes differential non-lytic clearance of influenza viruses

Analysis of RNA from different cells in the olfactory epithelium of mice after influenza virus infec...


GSE81097: RNA-seq Based Transcriptomic Map Reveals New Insights Into Mouse Salivary Gland Development and Maturation

Analysis of gene expression changes during mouse salivary gland development using RNA-Seq SOURCE: Ro...


GSE81446: RNA sequencing identifies differentially expressed genes in embryonic cardiomyocytes following knockdown of DNMT1 expression for 72 h

Purpose: This study aims to identify the differentially expressed genes in embryonic cardiomyocytes ...


GSE84386: hnRNP K coordinates transcriptional silencing by SETDB1 in embryonic stem cells

RNA-seq of hnRNP K-depleted mouse embryonic stem cells SOURCE: Matthew,C,Lorincz (mlorincz@mail.ubc....


GSE81443: Plasma cell mitochondrial pyruvate import controls the duration of humoral immunity.

RNA-sequencing was performed on human CD19- CD138+ bone marrow plasma cells. SOURCE: Deepta Bhattach...


GSE79970: Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells (PBMC) Gene Expression-Based Biomarkers in Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (JIA)

Aim: To discovery biomarkers in JIA base on gene expression from RNA sequencing on PBMC; Method: Pai...


GSE86619: Transcriptome of diurnal wild-type neutrophils and neutrophils deficient in cxcr2, cxcr4 and arntl

Our study aims to analyze time-dependent changes in neutrophil phenotype, compare them with included...


GSE77798: Pathogenesis of Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome [RNA-seq]

Congenital heart disease (CHD) is a prevalent birth defect affecting up to 1% of live births. While...


GSE108174: Transcriptomics profiling of CD141+ dendritic cells isolated from peripheral blood or synovial fluid of arthritis patients

Total RNA sequencing was performed on CD141+ DC isolated from peripheral blood of healthy individual...


GSE80016: Stochastic Principles Governing Alternative Splicing of RNA

The goal of the study was to analyze the principles governing the usage of alternatively spliced tra...


GSE79525: Combined RNA-seq and ChIP-seq Identifies Gene Targets for Transcriptional Regulation in Vasopressin-Sensitive Collecting Duct Cells [RNA-seq]

We sequenced mRNAs and mapping the binding of RNA polymerase 2 in collecting duct cells treat with V...


GSE74550: A designed inhibitor of p53 aggregation rescues p53 tumor-suppression in ovarian carcinomas

Half of all human cancers lose p53 function by missense mutations, with an unknown fraction of these...


GSE80072: Joint-specific DNA transcriptome signatures in rheumatoid arthritis [RNA-seq]

Stratifying patients on the basis of molecular signatures could facilitate development of therapeuti...


GSE75426: Local compartment changes and regulatory landscape alterations in histone H1-depleted cells

Linker histone H1 is a core chromatin component that binds to nucleosome core particles and the link...


GSE129725: Deletion of adrenocortical Bmal1 results in sex-biased gene expression.

We report that deletion of BMAL1 from adrenocortical cells using a SCC(Cyp11a1)-Cre driver reults in...


GSE85148: DNA methyltransferase 3b regulates articular cartilage homeostasis by altering chondrocyte metabolism

Osteoarthritis (OA) is the most common form of arthritis worldwide. It is a complex disease affectin...


GSE148395: Effect of BET Inhibitors on Rheumatoid Synovial Fibroblast Cells [RNA-seq]

We demonstrate that JQ1 inhibits IL1B based RA Synovial Fibroblast activation and proliferation, by ...


GSE85709: Evolution of an lncRNA leads to a primate specific modulation of alternative splicing

We performed the poly(A)-seq of 293T,Hela,THP-1 and N2a cell treated with si5S-OT,shPTBP1 or siU2AF6...


GSE92272: Read-write integration by the IRF4 gene regulatory module dynamically controls T helper cell fate

Transcriptional regulation of cell fate decisions in the immune system endows cells with specialized...


GSE80297: mRNA expression of breast cancer cell lines across different densities [SCRB-Seq]

mRNA expression profiles for 3 breast cancer cell lines seeded at different density and grown for di...


GSE79633: Transcriptome of GFP-ZFP36L1 expressing and WT FO B cells

Purpose: to identify the effects on the transcriptome of overexpressing ZFP36L1 in FO B cells SOURCE...


GSE74467: Snai2 and Snai3 transcriptionally regulate cellular fitness and functionality of T cell lineages through distinct gene programs

T lymphocytes are essential contributors to the adaptive immune system and consist of multiple linea...


GSE80964: Regulation of cardiac cushion endocardial cells by KLF2

Comparison of differential gene expression between controls and mice that lack the transciption fact...


GSE79284 (mouse): Sensitivity and engineered resistance of myeloid leukemia cells to BRD9 inhibition (RNA-seq)

Our study shows that acute myeloid leukemia (AML) cells require the BRD9 subunit of the SWI/SNF chro...


GSE85170: MEK inhibition rewires enhancer landscapes in RAS-driven Rhabdomyosarcoma to unlock a myogenic differentation block

Trametinib-treated rhabdomyosarcoma cells undergo transcriptional reprogramming akin to myogenic dif...


GSE75477: Genome-wide analysis of chronic inflammation induced gene expression in livers isolated from either wild type or ApoE-Cyp7a1 transgenic animals.

Analysis of whole genome expression changes in livers from wild type animals and animals with a live...


GSE149049: Transcriptomic effects of combination Menin-MLL1 inhibition and FLT3 inhibition on human AML cells

Chromosomal translocations of the MLL1 gene cooccur with the activating mutations in FLT3 kinase in ...


GSE80306: Aging-related virtually nave memory T (TVNM) cells: a new stage in T cell response to persistent infections in humans

We conducted RNA-Seq on T cell subsets sorted from five donors to identify a transcriptional signatu...


GSE74596: Innate-like functions of natural killer T cell subsets result from highly divergent gene programs [single_cell_RNA-seq]

Natural killer T (NKT) cells have immune stimulatory or inhibitory effects on the immune response th...


GSE80352: Transcriptional effect of ETV1 knockdown in melanoma cells

ETV1 is amplified in a subset of melanomas. Here, we performed RNA-seq on two BRAF V600E mutant melo...


GSE101720: Gene expression profiling of lung epithelium: GENEBRO study

Our aim was to compare gene expression profiles of nasal and bronchial epithelium in a same individu...


GSE80409: CDK12 regulates alternative last exon mRNA splicing and promotes invasion of a breast cancer cell line

We performed mRNA sequencing on 184-hTert and SK-BR-3 and MDA-MB-231 cell lines treated with siRNA d...


GSE80062: Whole transcriptome sequencing identifies increased CXCR2 expression in PNH granulocytes

To clarify the selective advantage of the GPI-AP- cells in paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH)...


GSE79535: Germline loss of PKM2 promotes metabolic distress and hepatocellular carcinoma

Alternative splicing of the Pkm gene product generates the PKM1 and PKM2 isoforms of pyruvate kinase...


GSE76062: Myc-dependent gene activation and repression in oncogene-addicted liver tumors (RNA-seq)

Tumors driven by activation of the transcription factor Myc generally show oncogene addiction. Howev...


GSE80433: Transformation of mature adipocytes to liposarcoma in Ad/NICD mice

Analysis of inguinal white adipose tissue (WAT) and liposarcoma (LPS) isolated from Notch1 overexpre...


GSE84401: Role of GADD45 proteins in embryonic stem cells and their derivatives

We generated Gadd45a,b,g triple-knockout mouse embryonic stem cells and performed RNA-seq expression...


GSE86947: Differential gene expression of WT vs THAP1 KO and a THAP1 C54Y mutation in mouse ES cells

We report the differences in mRNA profiles of WT mouse cells in comparison to both THAP1 -/- cells a...


GSE88961: Mechanism of Induction of Mouse Breast Cancer by Non-coding Heterochromatic RNAs

Heterochromatic non-coding RNAs induce breast tumor formation in mice by interacting with BRCA1-asso...


GSE80434: Molecular Signatures Associated with ZIKV Exposure in Human Cortical Neural Progenitors and Astrocytes

Zika virus (ZIKV) infection causes microcephaly and has been linked to other brain abnormalities. Ho...


GSE86857: A total RNA-Seq screen reveals that the splicing inhibitor Isoginkgetin blocks transcription elongation

Pharmacological perturbation is a powerful tool for understanding gene expression, but identificatio...


GSE85209: Silencing SMOC2 protects from kidney fibrosis by inhibiting Fibroblast to Myofibroblast Transformation

Secreted MOdular Calcium-binding protein-2 (SMOC2) belongs to the SPARC (Secreted Protein Acidic and...


GSE79409: CIS is a potent checkpoint in NK cell-mediated tumour immunity

Natural killer (NK) cells have evolved to detect and kill aberrant cells with this activity being go...


GSE91402: Molecular distinctions between motor neurons supplying Tibialis anterior (TA), Extensor digitorum longus (EDL), Peroneus longus (PL), Gastrocnemius (GS) and Intrinsic foot (IF) muscles [RNA-seq]

To probe molecular distinctions in the specification of motor neurons innervating digit muscles we p...


GSE79380: Integrated epigenetic analysis infers the dynamics of cellular differentiation in the developing mouse hippocampus [RNA-seq]

Hippocampus is a cortical structure acting as the main crossroad of memory and emotions. Here, we ha...


GSE82174: Identification of a Transcription Factor that Promotes Spermatogonial Stem Cell Establishment

Spermatogonial stem cells (SSCs) are critical for maintaining spermatogenesis throughout adult life....


GSE80101: Etv5 target genes in AT2 cells and mouse lung

RNA was purified from lung tissue and isolated Alveolar type II cells.; The "SAMPLE_ID" sample descr...


GSE75957: Mapping the mouse Allelome reveals tissue-specific regulation of allelic expression

Allele-specific expression is important in development and disease, but a complete picture is lackin...


GSE80361: Transcriptome profile of HepG2-expressing ATP7B-H1069Q (liver hepatocellular cells) exposed to JNK or p38 Inhibitor

In order to identify the effects of JNK inhibitor or p38 Inhibitor on the transcriptome of ATP7B H10...


GSE80538: Guided self-organization recapitulates tissue architecture in a bioengineered brain organoid model

Engineered brain organoids (enCORs) exhibit reproducible neural differentiation and forebrain region...


GSE80095: Transcriptome Profiling of Human Primary Monocytes

We profiled the gene expression pattern of human primary monocyte, an essential component of the inn...


GSE104867: Transcriptomics and m6A-methylome analyses in wild type and Ythdf2 deficient mouse E14.5 derived NSPCs

We found that the proliferation and differentiation capabilities of NSPCs decrease significantly in ...


GSE80102: Etv target genes in mouse alveolar type II cells

RNA was purified from lung tissue and isolated Alveolar type II cells.; The "SAMPLE_ID" sample descr...


GSE84335: Campylobacter concisus pathotypes induce distinct global responses in intestinal epithelial cells [BAA]

We report the response of Caco-2 cells to infection by C. concisus strains or exposure to C. concisu...


GSE80113: Transcriptome analysis of virus-specific H2-Db-GP33-41+CD8+ T cells from WT or PSGL-1 KO mouse spleens at day 9 post LCMV Cl 13 infection

Chronic viruses and cancers thwart immune responses in humans by inducing T cell dysfunction. Using ...


GSE74315: Pet-1 Switches Transcriptional Targets Postnatally to Regulate Maturation of Serotonin Neuron Excitability.

Newborn neurons enter an extended maturation stage, during which they acquire excitability character...


GSE81999: Transcriptional analysis of Tfr suppression of Tfh and B cells by RNA-seq

Tfh and B cells were cultured together with or without Tfr cells. After 4 days Tfh and B cells were...