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Sequencing-based assays page 42

Store large, raw sequencing data files and transform them into biologically-meaningful results in your browser. Gain critical QC information, quantify targets within and across data sets, and run best-in-class computational biology analyses specific to each assay type.


GSE77137: An evolutionarily conserved function of the pre-mRNA splicing regulator TNPO3 for T cell development

All vertebrates possess lymphocytes, enabling the functional interrogation of this evolutionarily co...


GSE74278: Transposable elements and their KRAB-ZFP controllers regulate gene expression in adult tissues

The tetrapod-restricted KRAB-containing zinc finger proteins (KRAB-ZFPs) are essential early embryon...


GSE77221: The mouse microbiome is required for sex-specific diurnal rhythms of gene expression and metabolism

The circadian clock and associated feeding rhythms have a profound impact on metabolism and the gut ...


GSE84706: Experimental validation of candidate regulators of KRAS transcriptional components.

We sequenced mRNA from HCC44 and YAPC cell lines stably expressing Cas9, and infecting with indicate...


GSE73977: Nuclear retention of mRNA in mammalian tissues

Messenger RNA is thought to predominantly reside in the cytoplasm, where it is translated and eventu...


GSE77140: Gene expression profiles of rescue with wild type or SUMO double mutant TRIM24

Gene expression profiles of rescue with wild type or SUMO double mutant TRIM24 after shRNA mediated ...


GSE84776: Compared performance of Affymetrix HTA arrays and Illumina RNAseq for the analysis of tumours [RNA-seq]

Here we compared the performance of Affymetrix HTA 2.0 microarray and Illumina 2000 RNA-sequencing t...


GSE86591: Transcriptome analysis of Listeria monocytogenes infected bone marrow derived macrophages with or without DEAD-box helicase DDX3X

Bone marrow derived macrophages were infected with Listeria monocytogenes for 4 hours. We investigat...


GSE78752: Transcriptome of liver tissue in 5 week old Stabilin-1 knock-out mice

Stabilin-1/CLEVER-1 is a multidomain protein present in lymphatic and vascular endothelial cells and...


GSE78845: Single cell transcriptome analysis of mouse thoracic sympathetic ganglia

We explore the heterogeneity of mouse thoracic ganglia demonstrating the presence of an unexpected v...


GSE73438: Expression Profiling of Livers From Female FC-ob Mice and MRKO-ob Mice

Objective: To investigate the effects of myeloid MR deletion on hepatic gene expression profiles in ...


GSE84814: Glucose inhibits cardiac maturation through nucleotide biosynthesis

In summary, we discovered (1) that glucose dose-dependently inhibits cardiac maturation in vitro and...


GSE78105: Pathogenicity of genomic duplications is determined by formation of novel chromatin domains (neo-TADs) (RNA-seq)

Genome-scale methods have identified subchromosomal structures so-called topologically associated do...


GSE105406: PTCD1 is required for 16S rRNA maturation complex stability and mitochondrial ribosome assembly

Differential gene expression as a consequence of PTCD1 loss SOURCE: Irina Kuznetsova (irina.kuznetso...


GSE143597: Transcriptome response of lung in response to A. baumannii infection

We apply RNAseq of lung tissues to study the innate immune response to pulmonary Acinetobacter bauma...


GSE78514: Reduced expression of ABCB4 is linked to an inflammatory phenotype of biliary atresia in mice and men

Purpose: to identify differentially regulated pathways and processes in the livers of neonatal Mdr+...


GSE100216: PKC-LSD1-NF-B Signaling Cascade Is Crucial for Epigenetic Control of the Inflammatory Response [RNA-Seq]

The inflammatory response mediated by NF-B signaling is essential for host defense against pathogens...


GSE78936: Systematically characterizing dysfunctional long intergenic non-coding RNAs in multiple brain regions of major psychosis

Schizophrenia (SZ) and bipolar disorder (BD) are severe neuropsychiatric disorders with serious impa...


GSE89636: Amino Acid Transporter Slc38a5 Mediates Glucagon Receptor Inhibition-Induced Pancreatic -Cell Hyperplasia in Mice

Glucagon supports glucose homeostasis by stimulating hepatic gluconeogenesis, in part by promoting t...


GSE77178: Transcriptional profiles of skeletal muscle stem cells from mice of different ages, exercise status, and Ccnd1 genotypes

Voluntary exercise enhances old skeletal muscle stem cell (MuSC) function in vivo and ex vivo, depen...


GSE78938: Gene expression profile of chemical-induced neural stem cells from defined fibroblasts

Cellular reprogramming using chemically defined conditions, without genetic manipulation, is a promi...


GSE80168: Single cell sequencing of Dgcr8 knockout embryonic stem cells plus/minus miR-294 or let-7

We performed Fluidigm C1 single cell sequencing analysis of wild-type and microRNA deficient (Dgcr8 ...


GSE73861: Development and Plasticity of Alveolar Type 1 Cells

The alveolar type 1 (AT1) cell covers >95% of the gas exchange surface and is extremely thin to faci...


GSE88982: RNA-seq of mouse myeloid progenitors reveals two independent pathways for monocyte production via GMPs and MDPs

Granulocyte-monocyte progenitors (GMPs) and monocyte-dendritic cell progenitors (MDPs) produce monoc...


GSE84375: Salmonella Typhimurium evades macrophage defense by derailing metabolic pathways

In this study, we have employed RNA seq analysis to comprehensively understand the genes regulated i...


GSE81417: microRNAs with an AAGUGC seed motif constitute an integral part of a signaling network driving NSCLC cell proliferation

miR-372-3p target identification mRNA level SOURCE: Janne LehtiöJanne Lehtiö Karolinska Institute


GSE77645: 4C-ker: A method to reproducibly identify genome-wide interactions captured by 4C-Seq experiments

4C-Seq has proven to be a powerful technique to identify genome-wide interactions with a single locu...


GSE72831: Dynamic changes in E protein activity orchestrate germinal center and plasma cell development [RNA-Seq]

Humoral immunity requires the generation of high-affinity antibodies, which involves the generation ...


GSE78688 (mouse): Activity-dependent transcriptional changes in human neurons

We used genome-wide sequencing methods to identify activity-regulated gene expression and regulatory...


GSE77635: Genetic and Epigenetic Landscapes of Laterally Spreading Tumors of the Colorectum

Laterally spreading tumors (LSTs) are colorectal adenomas that develop into extremely large lesions ...


GSE133248: Next Generation Sequencing of Wild Type and Gata2+/- HSCs

Gata2, a zinc finger TF, is essential for the generation and survival of HSCs in the embryo and has ...


GSE89627: Testing the Ret and Sema3d genetic interaction in mouse enteric nervous system development

For most multigenic disorders, clinical manifestation (penetrance) and presentation (expressivity) a...


GSE81687: Targeting Taxane-Platin Resistant Lung Cancers with JumonjiC Lysine Demethylase Inhibitors (RNA-Seq)

Characterization of gene expression changes upon development of taxane-platin drug resistance in NSC...


GSE131448: Expression profiling in STAG2 mutant K562 cells

K562 (female chronic myelogenous leukemia) cells were CRISPR-Cas9 edited to contain STAG2 R614* muta...


GSE93801: Sub-population RNAseq characterization of cell types produced over time in an in vitro model of human inhibitory interneuron differentiation.

Diverse cell types are produced from dorsal and ventral regions of the developing neural tube. In th...


GSE142986: Investigate the role of MLKL in regulating TNF-induced endothelial cell inflammatory response

Purpose: Analyze the potential signaling pathways regulated by MLKL under TNF-induced endothelial ce...


GSE78696: Key regulators in two different colorectal cancer cell lines 1638N-T1 vs. CMT-93

In this dataset, we present RNA-Seq data of two colorectal cancer (CRC) cell lines, namely 1638N-T1 ...


GSE133933: Effect of fibulin-3 knockdown on malignant mesothelioma cells

Whole transcriptome comparison of mesothelioma cells transfected with control vs Fibulin-3 (EFEMP1) ...


GSE81084: FOXO1 is an oncogenic mediator in AML1-ETO leukemia

Transcriptome analysis by RNAseq of human CD34+ hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells transduced w...


GSE81396: Total RNAseq of human putamen and caudate nucleus tissues in healthy control and Bipolar Disorder individuals

A multitude of genes have been associated with bipolar disorder via SNP genotyping studies. However...


GSE114473: Competition for energy between immunity and homeothermy triggers trade-offs and regulates host defense strategies

Activation of immunity via LPS injection causes an energetic trade-off with the somatic maintenance ...


GSE133112: BCL6 mediates Chemoresistance in Acute Myeloid Leukemia

BCL6 is a transcription repressor that plays a crucial role in germinal center formation and lymphom...


GSE114065: Transcriptomes from nave CD4+ T-cells from infants and children with and without food allergy [RNA-seq]

Here we studied the epigenetic regulation of the nave CD4+ T-cell activation response among children...


GSE131455: Dynlrb1 is Essential for Dynein Mediated Transport and Neuronal Survival

We identified Dynlrb1 as an essential gene for sensory neuron survival and performed RNA sequencing ...


GSE95491: EZH2 enables germinal center formation through epigenetic silencing of CDKN1A and an Rb-E2F1 positive feedback loop

The EZH2 histone methyltransferase is required for B cells to form germinal centers (GCs). Here we s...


GSE155845: RNA-sequencing of Control and Bisphenol A (BPA) exposed mice livers.

To elucidate the molecular perturbations underlying the connection of low-dose prenatal BPA exposure...


GSE132548: HCV infection of adult hepatocytes results in temporally structured transcriptional responses which partially overlap with the IRF1 regulon

We describe the adult hepatocyte response to initial HCV infection and detect temporal perturbations...


GSE98675: The lipodystrophic hotspot lamin A p.R482W mutation deregulates the mesodermal inducer T/Brachyury and early vascular differentiation gene networks

The p.R482W hotspot mutation in A-type nuclear lamins causes familial partial lipodystrophy of Dunni...


GSE125846: Chromatin remodeling mediated by ARID1A is indispensable for normal hematopoiesis in mice (RNA-Seq)

ARID1A is a component of the mammalian SWI/SNF complex involved in chromatin remodeling. A functiona...


GSE87799: Novel transplantation modalities for generating transcriptionally dependable new microglia from hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells

Recent pre-clinical and clinical evidences indicate that hematopoietic stem and progenitor cells (HS...


GSE81673: Characterisation of EZH2-deficient human embryonic stem cells [single cell RNA-seq]

Here we analyse single cell transcriptome profiles of EZH2-deficient human embroynic stem cells SOUR...


GSE86600: Expression profiling of infant and young adult lung endothelial cells by RNA-sequencing.

Endothelial cells line the inside of all blood vessels forming a single layer of quiescent, non-prol...


GSE78527: RNA sequencing of siSNRNP40 in breast cancer cells

To identify gene expression profile changes upon SNRNP40 depletion, RNA-sequencing was performed on ...


GSE81716: Ablation of the epithelial-specific splicing factor Esrp1 results in ureteric branching defects and reduced nephron number

Evaluation of splicing in ureteric epithelium in Esrp1;Esrp2 double knockout mice compared to Esrp1+...


GSE97196: RNAseq profiling of AMCase-expressing lung epithelial cells

We have generated novel reporter mice (ChiaRed) to study the role of the acidic mammalian chitinase ...


GSE98430: Low-input RNA-seq experiment to identify genes with a similar expression pattern to that of Lin28b

Genome-wide profiling of RNA expression in two sub-populations of hematopoietic stem cells from mous...


GSE98976: Identification of PAX7-induced transcriptional changes and PAX7 genomic binding during skeletal myogenic differentiation of H9 embryonic stem cells

Skeletal myogenic commitment of human pluripotent cells can be achieved by doxycycline-inducible exp...


GSE102407: Role of BET proteins in YAP/TAZ-dependent transcription [RNA-seq 1]

We performed RNA-seq experiments to identify YAP/TAZ target genes in triple negative breast cancer c...


GSE91016: Global transcriptional profiling changes upon knockdown of LKB1 in human glioblastoma cell lines

The experiment was designed to display differential gene expression profiling changes in two human g...


GSE129082: Analysis of ARID3A and ARID3B regulated genes by RNA-seq

In ovarian cancer cells ARID3A, ARID3B, or both genes were expressed exogenously with lentivirus. Ce...


GSE93804: Next Generation Sequencing of CNS-infiltrating Tox-sufficient and -deficient OT-1 cells in ODC-OVA mice 7 days after LCMV-OVA infection

Purpose: Next-generation sequencing (NGS) has revolutionized systems-based analysis of cellular path...


GSE112341: Novel risk variants affecting enhancers of TH1 and TREG cells in type 1 diabetes [RNA-seq]

We generated expression profiles of TH1 and TREG cells from T1D and healthy subjects by RNA-Seq. By ...


GSE149779: Distinct functions of tissue-resident and circulating memory Th2 cells in allergic airway disease

We report RNA-seq data from distinct memory CD4+ T cell subsets in a murine model of allergic asthma...


GSE79410: Transforming growth factor- and Notch ligands act as opposing environmental cues in the plasticity of type 3 innate lymphoid cells

Group 3 innate lymphoid cells (ILC3) are composed of NCR- and NCR+ subsets located at mucosal sites ...


GSE79572: Candidate genes and pathways downstream of PAX8 involved in ovarian high-grade serous carcinoma

Our goal was to identify candidate genes and pathways regulated by PAX8 that could be additional tar...


GSE79487: RNA sequencing of E11.5 Control and Prmt5cKO forelimbs

We preformed RNA sequencing on control and Prmt5cKO embryos at E11.5 to determine differentially exp...


GSE85657: Thrombospondin1 replacement prevents cerebral cavernos malformations

We have purified primary brain microvascular endothelial cells (BMEC) from mice bearing floxed allel...


GSE79920: Single-nucleus RNA-seq on undifferentiated human KD3 myoblasts and differentiated myotubes and mononucleated cells.

We report the application of single-nucleus-based sequencing technology for high-throughput profilin...


GSE79558: Bach2 keeps homeostasis in lung by regulating inflammatory response and maintaining function of alveolar macrophage.

Alveolar macrophages (AMs) of Bach2 KO mice show multiple alternations in their functions including ...


GSE86609: The Arcuate Estrogenome: Estrogen Response Element-dependent and -independent Signaling of ER

We used three genotypes of mice: 1) wild-type, 2) KIKO (knock in/knock out), which lack a functional...


GSE144347: CRNKL1 is a highly selective regulator of intron-retaining HIV-1 and cellular mRNAs

The human splicing factor CRNKL1 was identified as a factor influencing splicing and/or export of th...


GSE78149: Stella prevents excessive de novo DNA methylation during mouse oogenesis

Oocyte acquires developmental competence during its maturation. This stage is accompanied with large...


GSE101806: Expression of Piwi protein MIWI2 defines a distinct population of multiciliated cells

We find that MIWI2 protein is expressed in a discrete population of multiciliated airway epithelial ...


GSE140554: RNAseq for the identification of genes induced upon TGR5 stimulation in intestinal stem cells

Purpose: Transcriptomic exploration for the identification of genes induced upon TGR5 stimulation in...


GSE130307: Enhancement of Human B Cell Differentiation and Function in Lymph Nodes by the TLR9 Agonist MGN1703

TLR9 agonists are being developed as immunotherapies to increase immune effector cell activity again...


GSE137057: Gene expression profile of thymus transplantation based spontaneous murine T cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia (T-ALL) model

We adapted a spontaneously-arising, genetically-heterogeneous, thymic transplantation-based murine m...


GSE128911: RNA-seq of breast cancer cell lines post ligand treatment II

Goal: study the impact of estrogen receptor ligands on gene expression in HR+ breast cancer cells; M...


GSE103830: Gene expression profile (RNAseq) of wild-type and Zeb1 (+/-) peritoneal mouse macrophages

Purpose: Characterize the gene expression profile of wild-type and Zeb1 (+/-) peritoneal mouse macro...


GSE90969: EMC3 conditional KO in developing lung epithelium

EMC3 is a critical component of an endoplasmic reticulum complex that mediates the processing and tr...


GSE97281: The de novo Autism Spectrum Disorder RELN R2290C Mutation Reduces Reelin Secretion and Increases Protein Disulfide Isomerase Expression

To determine if changes in Protein Disulfide Isomerase (PDIA1) expression in mice with a null Reelin...


GSE72909: Complementarity and redundancy of IL-22-producing innate lymphoid cells

Homeostasis of the gut microbiota is pivotal to the survival of the host. Intestinal T cells and Inn...


GSE115706: RNAseq of motor neurons and neurons with differential vulnerability isolated from a mouse model of spinal muscular atrophy using laser capture microdissection

Motor neurons are selectively vulnerable in spinal muscular atrophy (SMA). However, some brainstem m...


GSE75767: Type I and type II interferon coordinately regulate suppressive dendritic cell fate and function during viral persistence

We identified a population of immunosuppressive dendritic cells (iregDCs) that arises during LCMV-Cl...


GSE79923: RNA-sequencing time course of Human Intestinal Epithelial Cells (HIECs) following knockdown of miR-30bcd using complementary locked nucleic acids

To gain mechanistic insight into our finding that knockdown of miR-30 in HIECs and Caco-2 cells resu...


GSE109313: ROP:DumpsterDivingin RNA-sequencing to find the source of 1 trillion reads across diverse adult human tissues

High-throughput RNA sequencing technologies provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore the indi...


GSE80609: Gene expression profiling study by RNA-seq for identifying gene signatures associated with castration-refractory prostate cancer (CRPC) development.

The objective of this study is to identify gene signature associated with castration-refractory pros...


GSE79883: Gene expression profiling during cardiac maturation, hypertrophy and after KD of TET2

Methylation at 5-cytosine (5-mC) is a fundamental epigenetic DNA modification associated recently wi...


GSE80784: Transcriptomics Analysis Of SOCS3-deficient keratinocytes: Reveled Insights Into Progression of Chronic Skin Disease

We analyzed time series transcriptomics data of SOCS3 conditional knockout keratinocytes mice at 2, ...


GSE81421: Gene expression signature of Runx1/ lin- sca- kit+ CD105- CD16/32+ CD150+ (XMP) progenitors

FLT3-ITD mutations are found in 30% of acute myeloid leukemia (AML) and portend a poor prognosis. Pa...


GSE76864: Independent roles of switching and hypermutation in the development and persistence of B lymphocyte memory [IgM_IgG1]

Somatic hypermutation (SHM) and class switch recombination (CSR) increase the affinity and diversify...


GSE85193: A novel target of CD274 involvement in AML development

We report abonormally expressed genes of MLL-AF9 induced CD274-/- AML mice by RNA-seq analysis. Cycl...


GSE84323: Phenotype-driven precision oncology in patient-derived tumor models predict therapeutic response in squamous cell carcinoma

Comparison of single-cell transcriptomic profiles of cell lines obtained from the primary and metast...


GSE81432: Identification of an NKX3.1-G9a-UTY regulatory network that controls prostate differentiation (Mouse_Recomb_RNA-Seq)

Analysis of transcriptome of tissue recombinants (mouse seminal vesicle epithelial [SVE] cells or pr...


GSE86780: Innate and adaptive lymphocytes sequentially shape the gut microbiota and lipid metabolism

In support of our manuscript investigating the roles of ILCs and T cells the in maintenance of gut h...


GSE80183: RNA-seq study reveals unique transcriptome expression in systemic lupus erythematosus patients with distinct autoantibody profile

Systemic lupus erythematosus patients exhibit remarkable heterogeneity in clinical manifestations an...


GSE109484: ROP:DumpsterDivingin RNA-sequencing to find the source of 1 trillion reads across diverse adult human tissues

High-throughput RNA sequencing technologies provide an unprecedented opportunity to explore the indi...


GSE80803: Comparison of DEG between neonatal male and female mice age of P0 by CHD8 Asn2373LysfsX2 heterozygote mutation

CHD8, encoding a chromatin remodeling protein, is one of the most frequently mutated genes in autism...


GSE119608: RNA sequencing with KSHV infection and enrichment for circular RNAs

The purpose was to measure expression changes in human and viral circular RNAs. SOURCE: Joseph,M,Zie...


GSE140502: VIPR2 activation has an inhibitory effect on ILC3

We report that VIPR2 is an inhibitory receptor for CCR6+ ILC3 SOURCE: Dan Littman New York Universit...


GSE84389: Network-based, cross-cohort discovery of transcriptional mechanisms presiding over maintenance of high-risk neuroblastoma subtype state

Network-based analysis of neuroblastoma samples from two large cohorts identified master regulator p...