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Trascriptome analysis of osteosarcoma samples were performed SOURCE: Nuri,Alpay,Temiz University of ...
The goal of the study was to understand how integrin beta1 expressed in epithelial cells directs dev...
We present a method for histological tissue fixation using dithio-bis(succinimidyl propionate) (DSP)...
Mechanical forces are increasingly recognized to regulate morphogenesis, but how this is accomplishe...
Specific deletion of suppressor of cytokine signaling 3 (Socs3) in keratinocytes can cause severe sk...
To investigate the changes in global transcriptome expression of HSCs following infection, we perfor...
Transplant recipients of IDH2-R140Q JAK2-V617F expressing bone marrow were treated with AG221 and ru...
Protein homeostasis, or proteostasis is critical for organelle function, including mitochondria, but...
We isolated the tip and stalk progenitors from four individual human embryonic lungs and used mRNAse...
Poly(A)-ClickSeq is a new methodology for the sequencing of the 3'UTR/poly(A) tail junction of RNA. ...
We transplanted gut microbiota via fecal transfer from TD and ASD children into germ-free wild-type ...
DHX36 is a ATP-dependent, 3-5 RNA helicase of the DEAH family. Previous publications reported this h...
Yes Associated Protein (YAP) and Myocardin Related Transcription Factor (MRTF) play similar roles an...
The cellular response to genotoxic stress is mediated by a well-characterized network of DNA surveil...
The inducible innate immune response to infection requires a concerted process of gene expression th...
B cells provide humoral immunity by differentiating into antibody-secreting plasma cells, a process ...
Activation of immune cells results in rapid functional changes, but how such fast changes are accomp...
In acute myeloid leukemia, chemotherapy resistance remains prevalent and poorly understood. Using fu...
The goal is to examine the transcriptome of ESCs with different Myc levels SOURCE: Fatima Sanchez-Ca...
We access the activity-dependent genes in olfactory neuron cells with unilateral naris occlusion mod...
Examining changes in expression in a mouse model of SBMA compared to WT littermates. SOURCE: Richard...
Dose-dependent jejunal gene expression was examined following repeated exposure (every 4 days for 28...
Here we applied RNAseq and RIBOseq, the deep sequencing of ribosome-associated transcripts, to inves...
Analysis of GCTM-5 positive and negative cells sorted from CFPAC-1 and SW1990 human pancreatic adeno...
To identify the downstream signaling pathways that contribute to expansion of MuSCs by PGE2 SOURCE: ...
Transcriptomic profiling of MLL-r AML PDX cells treated with CDKI-73 and/or JQ1 SOURCE: Richard D'An...
White matter abnormalities have been observed in Neurofiromatosis type 1 (NF1) patients and in mouse...
Background: Increasing evidence indicates stem cell transplantation may be an effective stroke treat...
Transcriptome analysis in head and neck cancer cell lines, FaDu and UMSCC47 with and without 5-aza'...
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) are an essential tool for studying cellular differentiation a...
Activated T cells differentiate into functional subsets which require distinct metabolic programs. G...
G2019S mutation of LRRK2 is known to increase mRNA translation. We perform ribosome profiling to stu...
Chromosomal translocations of the mixed-lineage leukemia (MLL) gene with various partner genes resul...
To establish effective multitargeted KRAS pathway therapy, we analyzed mediators of acquired resista...
In this experiment we compare the gene expression profile using two different models of mammary glan...
Maintenance of blood glucose homeostasis depends on appropriate pancreatic beta cell mass, which is ...
Peripheral blood samples from children enrolled in the URECA cohort were collected at age 2. In shor...
Host defense requires the specification of CD4+ helper T (Th) cells into distinct fates including Th...
Insulin-like growth factor 2 (Igf2) is the major fetal growth hormone in mammals. Here we identify t...
Analysis of IL27RA- and IL27RA+ hematopoietic stem cell (lineage-, c-kit+ Sca-1+ CD150+, CD34-). The...
Summary: Activation of the evolutionarily conserved, developmental Wnt pathway has been reported dur...
Blood develops in distinct stages. Haematopoietic progenitors in the embryo manifest restricted diff...
We have sequenced wild type and mutant testes, prostate, liver, heart, spleen, and eye from adult ma...
We report analysis of transcriptional chanages following RNAi depletion of NR0B1 or NRF2 depletion i...
We report the RNA-seq results from mouse T-cell precursors in different developmental stages includi...
Our mouse model (Ksp-CreER/Sav1fl/fl ) offers novel insights into molecular events that are linked t...
To determine the potential molecular mechanisms by which STAT5 signaling control ileal Paneth cell h...
Purpose: The goal of this study was to assess gene expression changes upon SAHA treatment in cells o...
RNAseq of ex vivo CD8 T cell lineages and in vitro differentiated CD8 T cells treated with nanocarri...
In asthma there are exaggerated rather than impaired innate and adaptive interferon responses in viv...
RNA sequencing analysis of Hb9::GFP mouse embryonic fibroblasts, Hb9::GFP+ primary mouse embryonic m...
RNA-seq analysis of microglia following spinal cord injury demonstrated that microglia response is d...
The pathophysiologic continuum of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease begins with steatosis. Despite g...
CD14+ human immature myeloid cells were treated with TGF-beta for increased periods of time to study...
RNA Sequencing of claudin-low triple negative breast cancer cells T11 treated with FPP-1746-Omomyc, ...
RNA sequencing is used to compare genes regulated by a constitutively active form of Smoothened, a p...
Regionalized lineage progenitor cells emerged from the onset of gastrulation would facilitate mouse ...
Snord116 deletion mouse models recapitulate aspects of the Prader-Willi Syndrome. In this study, we...
Abstract: Human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) can be directed to differentiate into skeletal muscle...
Total RNA sequencing was performed on samples isolated from joint synovial biopsies from subjects wi...
Comparative genomic analysis of basal and LPS-induced expression patterns of bone marrow derived mac...
5 mice per group of each: R6/2 and isogenic wild-type controls. SOURCE: Myriam Heiman (mheiman@mit.e...
Using single-cell RNA-seq of intestinal epithelial cells we identify surprising expression of MHC cl...
Purpose: To assess changes in gene expression profiles from the P0 littermate Sp9Flox/Flox control s...
Combined transcriptomic and functional analyses of HCC cells at single-cell level were performed to ...
Smooth muscle cells (SMCs) and endothelial cells (ECs) constitute vasculature media and endothelium,...
The causal relationships between insulin levels, insulin resistance, and longevity are not fully elu...
Transcriptomic analysis of murine aging dermal fibroblasts at single cell level. SOURCE: Gustavo Rod...
CD105pos and CD105neg PaFs were isolated from B6 murine pancreas, subjected to in vitro stimulation ...
Whsc1 gene codes for a SET domain-containing H3K36 dimethylase, whose activity has been suggested, i...
We report the transcriptome changes that result from the transient knockdown of FAM83H-AS1 in Aspc1 ...
Bivalent chromatin domains containing both repressive H3K27me3 and active H3K4me3 modifications are ...
We report the RNAseq data from uterine tissues obtained from mice that over-express KRAS-G12D or KRA...
To assess how viruses of different genome compositions escape engineered RNAi SOURCE: Benjamin tenOe...
Gene expression analysis of mouse hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) transduced with lentiviral vectors...
Analysis of transcriptome of prostate tissue from the anterior lobe or tumor from 9, 12, 13, 14, and...
We report the application of RNA sequencing for transcriptome analysis of HCMV infected tissues, ena...
We used genome-wide sequencing methods to study the consequences of eliminating the CREB-binding pro...
Induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs) can be derived from somatic cells through ectopic expression ...
Comparison of trasncriptome bewteen control LSCs and Tcf1/Lef1 deficient LSCs, LSCs treated with DMS...
Monocytes, neutrophils and tissue resident macropahges of colon lamina propia are compared to their ...
GDF10 controls a unique transcriptome, which coordinately regulates several molecular signaling syst...
Role of CTCF in activated B cells. SOURCE: Manuel,J,Gomez (mjgomezr@cnic.es) - Bioinformatics Unit C...
We report here the transcriptome analysis of in-vitro stimulated WT, nfkb2-/-, Relb-/- and nfkb2-/-R...
The goals of this project are to study the transcriptome profiling (RNA-seq) of human fribroblast ce...
Piezo1 is a mechanosensitive (MS) ion channel with characteristic fast-inactivation kinetics express...
To examine genome-wide changes in mRNA expression, we performed RNA-Seq on HEB-/- and WT hESCs. Ther...
By genome-wide ChIP-seq analysis in ABC DLBCL cell lines, we identified 2,251 STAT3 direct target ge...
NOTCH1 is mutationally activated in ~15% of cases of chronic lymphocytic leukaemia (CLL), but its ro...
We performed sequencing of Nuclear RNA from Lsd1-WT, Lsd1-GT, KDM5c-WT, and KDM5C-KO mouse embryonic...
Differential analysis of gene expression in HEK293T cells treated with a pool of siRNA targeting LOC...
The goal of this study is to compare transcriptional profiles of regulatory T cells and conventional...
Hdac1 and 2 are important regulators of developmental processes. In this study we created microglia ...
Somatic cells can be reprogrammed into pluripotent stem cells by the ectopic expression of OCT4, SOX...
Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) is a highly aggressive and vascularized malignant brain tumor. Anti-VE...
In this study, we identify genes with enriched 5-hydroxymethyl-cytosine (5hmC) modifications correla...
A better understanding of the molecular and cellular factors involved in human plasma cell different...
Cell fusion theory for explaining metastasis origin has been hypothesised for almost one-hundred yea...
To characterize the molecular properties of the EpiSCsS/F, we compared the transcriptome of EpiSCsS/...
To characterize the molecular features of human and mouse nephron progenitors and stromal cells we p...