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Exploring effect of progesterone/progestin treatment on gene expression SOURCE: Silvia Halim Cancer ...
During CNS development, the nuclear protein SATB2 is expressed in superficial cortical layers and de...
Gene expression in the liver has been studied extensively in normal mice, but not in mice with circa...
The placenta is an understudied organ that has a critical role in mammalian development. In early pl...
Understanding the role of myeloid cells in GvHD of CNS. Microglia are the major immune cells of the ...
Single cell RNA-sequencing of human tonsil Innate lymphoid cells (ILCs) from three independent tonsi...
Comparison of mouse immune cells from skin treated with oxazolone or imiquimod SOURCE: Jeffrey,B,Che...
Transcriptome analysis of murine T cells pre- and post-transplant. SOURCE: Jonathan,S,Serody (jonath...
We provide a series of chromatin and transcriptomic profiles to establish the identity of the stocha...
We use RNA-sequencing to generate gene expression profiles of fetal mammary cells with unique sortin...
The aim of this study was to compare the transcriptional changes that occur in the kidneys of mice a...
Langerhans cells (LCs) populate the mucosal epithelium, a major entry portal for pathogens, yet thei...
SRSF2 is an RNA binding protein that plays important roles in splicing of mRNA precursors. Mutations...
Resting B cells were isolated from WT or KMTD KO mice by immunomagentic depletion of with anti-CD43 ...
Entry into and exit from mitosis is driven by precisely-timed changes in protein abundance, and invo...
A key function of Na+/H+ exchanger regulatory factor 2 (NHERF2) is spatial organization of signaling...
Muscle-specific populations of proprioceptive sensory neurons form selective connections with spinal...
To identify HNRNPA2B1 binding sites on endogenous nuclear RNAs, we performed HITS-CLIP for endogenou...
The goal of this study was to determine if fibroblasts from different origin (skin, colon, tumors) w...
Whole mount in situ hybridization analysis of the 17 lncRNAs revealed that lncRNAs 2410006H16Rik and...
We investigated the role of the transcriptional regulator Id2 in the context of MLL-rearranged acute...
We sequenced mRNA from FACS purified hair follicle bulge stem cells from 21 d old control and ILK-de...
De novo mutated ADNP is a most prevalent gene driving syndromic autism with intellectual disability....
We report the genome-wide RNA expression levels in pluripotent mESC and as mESC differentiate toward...
Histone modifications are considered as fundamental epigenetic regulators that control many crucial ...
Asymmetric cell division results in two distinctly fated daughter cells to generate cellular diversi...
The molecular clock is a transcriptional oscillator present in brain and peripheral cells that coord...
We have ablated TAF10 in the erythroid compartment only by crossing the TAF10lox mice with the EpoR-...
In order to understand genes expressed during posterior second heart field (pSHF) development, we pe...
Overview: We report here that gene expression in E13.5 wild type (WT) mouse lenses differs from the...
Alternative splicing (AS) generates vast transcriptomic complexity in the vertebrate nervous system....
The overall aim of this experiment was to identify specific genes and molecular pathways regulated b...
The constitutive androstane receptor (CAR, NR1I3) modulates the transcription of numerous genes invo...
We have developed EMD- and BM-prone and defined the presence of an EMT-like mRNA signature in both E...
We perfomed RNA-seq and wound healing analysis to identify the mechanism how SOX2 promote wound heal...
We investigated the role of the transcriptional regulator Id2 in the context of MLL-rearranged acute...
Hepatic stellate cells are the primary cell type responsible for development of fibrosis in chronic ...
To identify RNA transcripts involved in acute and chronic renal epithelial injury, we performed unbi...
To study the dynamic regulation of the Epithelial-Mesenchymal Transition (EMT), we developed genetic...
The goal of this study is to identify genes upregulated in the DTA-injured retina.; ; Methods: Retin...
Hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) in adult are specified early from the endothelium-derived precursors...
Identify genes which are differentially expressed in Cop1 compared to control islets and are also s...
The goal of antiretroviral therapy (ART) is to suppress HIV-1-replication and reconstitute CD4-T-cel...
We profiled the gene expression/splicing program of normal and hnRNP U-deficient mouse hearts by RNA...
Enhanced sensitivity to Wnts is an emerging hallmark of a subset of cancers, defined in part by muta...
We performed RNA-seq in T47D cells after 24 hour treatment with the AKT inhibitor MK2206 or DMSO. We...
RNA sequencing libraries were made for A-498 and 786-O to detect the transcripts regulated by the li...
The histone 3 lysine 9 methyltransferase Setdb1 is essential for both stem cell pluripotency and ter...
Single cell transcriptomic analysis of wildtype and AireKO thymic epithelial cells SOURCE: CBDM Lab ...
The purpose of this RNA-seq experiment was to identify Activin A target genes that were differential...
Idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) is a lethal interstitial lung disease causing alveolar remodelin...
AEG-1 is overexpressed in human hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and positively regulates development ...
We report Hedgehog signaling responsive genes with or without Esrrb in NI3T3 cells.; Using Hh-respon...
RNA-Seq analysis of SSA treated cells SOURCE: Rei YoshimotoDivision of Gene Expression Mechanism Fuj...
Early B cell development is orchestrated by the combined activities of the transcriptional regulator...
Genes encoding subunits of SWI/SNF chromatin remodeling complexes are collectively mutated in ~20% o...
The tumor suppressor p53 is a transcription factor that coordinates the cellular response to DNA dam...
Investigating the effects of two different classes of KDM1A inhibitors on the transcriptome of AML c...
RNA-sequencing results with in vitro cultured control and Lats1/2 deficient hepatoblasts, in vitro d...
Variation in the expression level and activity of genes involved in drug disposition and action (pha...
We report abonormally expressed genes of idiopathic interstitial pneumonia by RNA-seq analysis. BMP3...
We reported the gene expression analysis of different types of sensory neuron with peripheral nerve...
Abstract: A network of interactions between functional DNA elements regulates gene expression in a p...
Analysis of the coordinated transcriptional reponse to proteasome inhibition SOURCE: Thomas Wandless...
Extracellular signaling and nutrient availability are major factors for cell fate decision. Responds...
Adenosine deaminases (ADARs) are RNA binding proteins that bind to double stranded RNA and convert a...
PTBP1 and PTBP2 control alternative splicing programs during neuronal development, but the cellular ...
Comparison of temporal gene expression profiles; ; Jena Centre for Systems Biology of Ageing - JenAg...
mRNA was sequenced from HCT116 MYC 3' TBE1 (WT) and KO cells to identify genes differentially expres...
The integrity of chromatin, which provides a dynamic template for all DNA related processes in eukar...
To examine molecular mechanisms of aortic valve stenosis in mice with hypertension and hypercholeste...
We identified PHF5A as a functional synthetic-lethal hit in glioblastoma stem cells compared to norm...
The ability to differentiate stimuli predicting positive or negative outcomes is critical for surviv...
Transcriptome analysis revealed differential responses to Pol I inhibition in p53WT and p53null AML ...
Purpose: To identify downstream signaling pathways that mediate functions of GALNT14; Methods: RNAs ...
The expression profile in miR-155-/- FLT3-ITD+ AML is unknown. Using empty vector (EV) or two distin...
We identified genes that are regulated by Chd7 in GNPs SOURCE: Weijun Feng DKFZ
The onset and progression of breast cancer are linked to genetic and epigenetic changes that alter t...
Calorie restriction (CR) consistently extends longevity and delays age-related diseases across sever...
Understanding the specific cell populations responsible for propagation of leukemia is an important ...
Comparison of transcriptome between control and Tcf1/Lef1-deficient mature CD8 thymocytes SOURCE: Ha...
We were interested in how the complex mammalian transcriptomes were established. Using spermatogenes...
The differential gene expression of human cardiomyocytes induced by kinase inhibitors sorafenib and ...
Macrophages in atherosclerotic aorta are major population in lesion and contributes to lesion format...
In this study we determine the transcriptional profile by RNAseq of mESC in the absence of Smad1 and...
Understanding the specific cell populations responsible for propagation of leukemia is an important ...
Ppargc1a overexpression in heart tissue measured using RNA sequencing SOURCE: Merja Heinäniemi unive...
To better understand transcriptional regulation during human oogenesis and pre-implantation embryoni...
Aim: Transcriptional analysis of the duodenum of adult Nkx2.2flox/flox;Villin-Cre (Nkx2.2int) mice v...
Bone marrow derived macrophages treated with small molecules and stimulated with LPS SOURCE: Raivo K...
We report the application of RNA sequencing technology for high-throughput profiling of transcriptom...
Hemoglobinopathies, including sickle cell disease and _-thalassemia, are global public health concer...
We address the function of HDAC3 in skeletal muscle metabolism SOURCE: Bin Fang (binfang@mail.med.up...
We report pregnacy-induced changes at the RNA level using RNAseq SOURCE: Jeannette,Schlichting,Kirke...
Innate sensing of viruses by dendritic cells (DCs) is critical for the initiation of anti-viral adap...
Purpose : Elucidate post-natal role of SCA1+ thymic mesenchymal cells (tMCs) and evaluate the functi...
Hematopoietic stem cell (HSC) transplantation has the potential to cure blood disorders but is limit...
We report on gene expression in stem cell-enriched, undifferentiated spermatogonia isolated from the...
Through RNA sequencing of CD4+ Tmemory/effector cells derived from the synovium of JIA patients and ...
Purpose: This study was carried out to determine the consequences of the Rfx2-/- genotype on spermat...